Chapter 19 - New Recruits: Part 1

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Hello my lovelies!
New chapter for you (wow three in a row!!)
This is one of my favourite chapters I've written, it's a bit different and gives you a bit of sneak peek on what book number 2 will be like (name will be released at the end of this book)! Hope you enjoy and just a heads up I've got a new job I'm Scotland so I might be posting a little slower again but I'm taking all my notes with me and I'm not giving up on Lizzie!

Sorry for the long intro on with the story... ⬇️

The streets got darker as they moved forward, away from the street lights and bustling night life of London and into darken corners that not even cameras lurked with fears of disappearing. There were tents lining every side of the tunnel. More tents then there should be, a small village with a bonfire at its centre. The only source of warmth in the whole place. It was dark and derelict no place to live your life yet there was young girls, small children, forgotten souls and lost men.

The night was cool but everyone was huddled away from the fire in their own fractured worlds, using whatever they could find to keep the chill from creeping down their necks. These people may have been shoved together by awful circumstances but they were in no way a close knit community. Every man- or woman for themselves. If something bad is happening turn your back, look away and don't be a witness.

Her shoes clicked on the uneven floor and puddles shook as a train passed over head. The smell of damp and smoke filled the air and the forgotteness of this underground world seem to ooze around them. A lot had changed in the years since Scarlett had been one of these people. Alone with no one to look out for you but yourself. Then Lizzie had found her, recruited her, trained her to be the person she was today. In short, that strange little teenage girl had saved her and now it was Scarlett's turn.

It was easy to spot the newer people on the streets. They still look fresh from the lives they were escaping. A new bruise, broken bones, empty bottles. This was Scarlett's least favourite part. Choosing. Choosing who's lives should change, who can be useful.

Lizzie had a type. Unless a specific case meant otherwise she liked young women, like Scarlett, who could be good a collecting information for her. Certain people like Flynn were recruited because they owed favours. Scarlett didn't asked why they owed Lizzie favours, she never did but they had to work off there favours and once they had they could choose to stay or go. Most of them stayed, working for Lizzie paid well and was usually fun- even if it was dangerous. Today they needed three new recruits. At least one guy, Scarlett had been told, apart from that she was left to chose.

They'd been walking through the maze of tents for a long time before they spotted any potential recruits. Every single person they walked past looked up- just for a second to glimpse them. They stood out like a sore thumb. Scarlett in her heels and red dress, lipstick practically shining in the gloom.  Flynn seemed too stand out anywhere he went, tall blond hair, blue eyes. Practically a Disney prince in the making. These three were different though. Unlike the others they were huddled together, a group of more than two was rare. They watched Scarlett and Flynn closely as they neared looking down when they were noticed. Scarlett studied the group. One guy, two girls. All between the ages of 19 and 20 she'd say from a guess. The smallest of the group was a girl, short brown hair just reaching her shoulders. She seemed to linger slightly away from the other two who seemed very close. A boy and girl with similar features. The girl had long dark hair that shielded her face slightly and the boy had thick brown curls.

Flynn followed as Scarlett weaved her way towards the group. The boy moved protectively in front of the girls who moved back into their tent. "It's okay." Scarlett said, kindly. "We're here to help." The boy didn't say anything just kept his eyes on Flynn.
"Don't worry about him." Scarlet said following his gaze. "He's a big softie really." The three didn't seem reassured however. "Flynn could you go back to the entrance of the tunnel please."
"But Miss Holmes said-"
"Miss Holmes will understand, I however have little patience." That was enough for Flynn he nodded his head and walked back to the entrance were he stood watching from a distance.
"Now it's just as four." Scarlett smiled, crouching down. She scooped the back of her dress up so it didn't touch the filthy ground.
"What do you want?" The boy said rudely.
"I work for a woman who's looking to hire." Scarlett said calmly. "She needs three young people to work for her business."
"What business?".
"Secrets. We work exclusively in secrets and information."
"Doesn't sound legit." He said suspiciously.
"Well, why don't you come and talk over the offer in a more secure location. Believe me it'll be worth your while. Unless you like living here." Scarlett looked up and down the tunnel for emphasis. Just to their left a man was leering at the girls. "Just think about it." She said, handing them a red card. Shining gold letters spelt out:

Miss R. Scarlett
The Back
The Fox Pub

"Ask for Big T, he'll know how to find me." And with that she turned on her heels and left.
"What did we do now?" Flynn said, once she'd reached him.
"Now we wait. They'll be in contact soon." She smirked.

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