Chapter 17 - Expensive Choices

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"We can afford this?" Lizzie said, walking through the front door of the flat. It was in central London on the 10th floor of a tall glass block of flats. The lounge/kitchen was huge with white furnishings and windows for most of the walls. Drifting through the apartment Lizzie saw the grandeur didn't stop there. In the bedroom there was a queen-sized bed in a room made up almost entirely of wardrobes and windows. It also had an ensuite bathroom with an old-fashioned tub and a huge walk in shower. It was safe to say this flat probably more expensive then Baker Street and her boarding school put together.

"You could afford this," Scarlett said, swiping through her phone. "But like I said, do your homework, keep your home. Free of charge."
"And her daddy won't mind?" Lizzie said, walking back into the kitchen and sitting up on the counter.
"Daddy does whatever she wants." Scarlett said, sarcastically as she looked up from her phone.
"Hmm must be nice."
"Aw does Lizzie have daddy issues?"
"Scarlett." Lizzie glared.
"I know I know!" Scarlett said holding her hands up. "Off limits. But sometimes your mysteriousness kinda makes it hard to read you."
"And that's how I like it." Lizzie smirked. "Now back to the flat."

"The flat is almost completely ready for you now but if you don't need it for eight months I can keep it ready."
"Living here will definitely be one of the hard tasks I've set you." Lizzie grinned.
"I will struggle through for you."
"What a true friend."
"But in the meantime." Scarlett said, quickly getting back to business. "I can start getting it fit for you to live in. Fill up the wardrobes a bit, set up an office space."
"Okay I trust your judgement, use any money you need from the account. Just please no dresses." Scarlett nodded and put a note down in her phone. "So, tell Miss Stone the deal is on she'll receive her first months rent in a few days."
"Done." Scarlett, tapped quickly into her phone. "I've also sent you the information of her current boyfriend."
"What would I do without you?"
"Who knows."
"Not sure I trust Miss Stone will keep clean on our deal though. She seems over emotional and reckless. What do I always say?"
"Don't call me Elizabeth, my mum calls me that?"
"No, well yeah but also 'always have a plan B cos other people tend to screw up plan A.'"
"Okay, so what's plan B then?" Scarlet asked.
"I'm going back into business."
"But I thought big brother was watching you?"
"Well," Lizzie grinned. "What big brother doesn't know won't hurt him."
"Yay!" Scarlett said, clapping her hands like an excited child. "Does this mean we need new recruits?"
"A few not enough to make a fuss. Find a few helpful people and get those jobs coming in. Make sure everyone that should know that I'm back does and everyone who shouldn't doesn't hear a peep."
"Can I use the cards?"
"Go for it," Lizzie smirked. "But take one of the boys with you please."
"I can defend myself." Scarlett said, her face dropping.
"Oh, I know." Lizzie laughed. "I need you to show them how it's done."

Hello my lovelies!! I'm sorry for being rubbish at updating! But I worked 3 jobs, then one busy job, then finally got a holiday so I haven't had any time! I'm looking forward to the next chapter though and I'm sorry this ones a bit short! Your lovely comments and votes really mean a lot and every reader is special to me!! Thank you for being patient!
Love ~EK xxx

The Other One *Editing*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن