Chapter 24 - One Of Those Spy Movies

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The second we stepped out of the jet onto a quiet runway, a wave of humidity hit me like a truck.

"Oh God, my hair's going to be a frizzy mess." Rachael huffed behind me as we descended the stairs onto the tarmac. Glancing around, the only sign of civilisation around was a large warehouse on the other end of the runway, and a black car zooming over to meet us. The rest of the landscape was just trees and grass, stretching as far as the eye could see. Upon closer inspection, the car was yet another Range Rover. I rolled my eyes as Rachael smirked.

"So we haven't quite mastered to other fancy cars in James Bond movies, huh?" I muttered, causing Jones to give me a questioning look as the car pulled to a stop. The emotionless driver stepped out and took our suitcases to be stuffed in the back as Ace raced to the back door and opened it for me.

"Didn't realise I hired a personal door-opener, so thanks!" Smirking at Ace, I slid into the car as Rach climbed in the other side.

"Technically that's slave labour as he's not getting paid." Rach declared, clicking her seatbelt in and watching Ace squeeze himself into the car beside me. Jones somehow teleported to the passenger seat when I wasn't watching, and the driver climbed back in. We instantly began racing down the runway towards the grey warehouse. Just when I was beginning to think APPSSA could be an undercover villain organisation, we were hostages and this was the location of their secret lair, the Range Rover turned right, following a gravel path away from the runway and into the wilderness.

"Where exactly are we going?" I leaned forward, getting a better view of the trees surrounding the road, and the brilliantly lit blue sky above the car.

"To Orlando, Miss Brown. We'll be there soon, depending on traffic."

Apparently, soon in Jones' mind meant 2 hours, as the next time we left the car I was exhausted from arguing with Rach that dogs are better than cats. The Range Rover had finally left the outrageous Floridian traffic, which Jones described as the 'antsy tourists trying to get parked in time for the fireworks this evening', and we swiftly pulled into an underground car park filled with identical black Range Rovers.

"Imaginative colour choice." I remarked, taking my suitcase from the driver's hands and glancing around. Ace snorted.

"If everyone still had an aesthetic Instagram like they did in 2016, this would be a perfect shot." He noted, causing a metaphorical lightbulb appear above Rach's head. In a matter of milliseconds, her phone was out and she was snapping away.

"I said 2016, not 2018, right?" Ace asked in my direction, causing me to sigh.

"Rach is calling this vintage." At my words, my best friend shoved her phone back into her pocket and stuck her middle finger up at me.

"Hey, it's not my fault I have lots of thirsty followers who want content, is it?" She replied, as Jones beckoned for us to follow him to a nearby elevator door as he placed a pair of glasses over his eyes.

"Lots of followers? You mean 11?" Ace smirked as the words left his lips, and Rachael's middle finger was up in the air again.

"Kids, if you please." Jones interrupted the sarcastic brawl, focusing our attention on the opening doors revealing an average metal elevator. We followed him inside, tugging our heavy suitcases into the corner as he pressed a single button labelled 'HQ'.

No prizes for guessing what that stood for.

An awkward elevator ride later, the doors opened and Jones trotted out infront of us into a glossy white hallway. There were doors both sides of us as we followed, yet none were labelled.

"Hey, how do you know what room you're walking into if there's no numbers on the doors?" I asked, increasing my pace to keep up with Jones.

"All will become clear to you in a moment, Miss Brown."

As I glanced over at Ace he shrugged, yet still had a mildly doubting look on his face.

Maybe we should've stayed at home after all.

Jones abruptly stopped infront of one of the random white doors, and opened it.

"Cascade and Rachael, you'll be staying in here. We'll come and collect you and about half an hour." Jones explained, before Rach and I pushed each other into the room, prepared to fight for the comfier bed. The room we were given held two double beds inside, with a huge plasma screen TV mounted on the wall infront of them. On one side of the room, a window was covered by wooden blinds, filtering the Orlando sunlight trickling into the room. There was a desk with two pairs of glasses and a note on it, and a large canvas mounted onto the wall with a random painting of flowers on it, like there is in every hotel room ever.

"Didn't realise I was blind enough for glasses." Rach muttered, looking over at the spectacles before jumping onto the bed nearest the window and landing on her stomach. "Mhm, that's good."

Rolling my eyes, I left my suitcase by the door and walked over to the note left by the frames, picking it up and squinting at the fancy font.

Welcome guests,

Please wear these glasses at all times when walking around the premises, and enjoy your stay with APPSSA.

Yours sincerely,

Fred Montague, Senior Director of APPSSA

"Hey Rach, we need to put these on apparently." I picked up the pair labelled for me, and gingerly placed them over my eyes. They fit perfectly. Suddenly, the lenses lit up with multiple analytics around my eyes, before displaying a few lines of font in the corner. It read 'WELCOME, CASCADE BROWN, ROOM 342, ABILITY: WATER-BASED POWERS'.

"What the heck?!" Rachael yelped beside me as she placed her own pair over her eyes. "This is freaky as hell. Cass, please pinch me."

"Pinch me first, please." I muttered in reply, looking around the room again. Instead of the dull hotel room I had witnessed before, the glasses enhanced the colours and added virtual objects around the room, only visible through the lenses. A notification popped up over the bed that Rachael hadn't claimed, reading 'CHANGE DUVET COLOUR?'.

"Woah, this is sick." Glancing over, I watched as Rachael continuously changed the pattern of her duvet, from the dull white before to a light pink polka dot pattern. Just as I was about to nod and edit my own duvet, Ace burst through the door wearing a pair of his own glasses.

"This is crazy and weird at the same time. I feel like I'm in one of those spy movies and-"

"I know right?! I'm taking these home. This is, like, the best thing that's ever happened to me!" Rach interrupted, laughing as I realised she had somehow turned the walls of our room bright pink.

"Rach, I don't think you're allowed to take these home, they're probably-"

"Oh don't worry, I'll get away with it. Watch me get away with it. These are definitely coming back to San Fran, and then when I get bored of them I'll sell them on eBay for millions of dollars and then I'll be rich AND invisible and nobody will be able to terrorise the city again because I'll be-"

"SHUT UP!" Ace bellowed, causing Rach to freeze and me to jump at the sound of his raised voice. "This isn't some fun scenario where we're kicking ass just for the sake of it! This organisation, Apple or whatever they're called, means business. We need to think more serious about this."

"Apple? I think you mean APPSSA, dude." I replied, taking the glasses off my face and smiling faintly. "But yeah, I know what you mean."

"Fine, but don't blame me if I'm rich one day due to these frames."

A/N: aN uPdAtE???? hahahha thanks for being so patient y'all :) college is busy as heck!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2018 ⏰

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