Chapter 5 - Night Violet

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"Cascade, you're late." Mrs Stevens muttered, as I tried creeping into the back of English. A few of my friends sniggered as I stood upright and sauntered to my desk. I plonked myself on the chair as Mrs Stevens continued her lecture about the different metaphors used in Romeo and Juliet. I unpacked my textbooks and pencil case and leaned back in my chair, smirking over at Aidan as he grinned at me.

Oh yeah, Aidan and I were now officially friends. After Evan leaving us, we began hanging out more. And luckily for me, Aidan stopped flirting with me. I didn't need that right now. Plus, I was pretty sure Rachael was interested in him anyway.

"Now talk about the themes in groups! Groups of pairs or threes please." The teacher declared, as the class erupted into chairs scraping and girls running to their friends. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my pencil as Aidan shuffled up to my desk.

"Yo, how's your day going so far?" He asked, obviously amused with the fact I was trying to sneak into class late. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"It was going perfectly fine until I saw your face, Aidan." I retorted in reply, smirking. He kicked me lightly under the table. "Hey, you can't kick me! That's my thing!"

"Well, shut up and get annotating the themes in Act 1, then!" Aidan replied, opening his own copy of the text and scanning through the lines.

"I'd rather not. I can think of a million better things to do." I groaned, sinking lower into my chair.

"Oh, and would you like to tell me some of those better things, Cascade Brown?"


I cringed, sat up in my chair and turned around to find Mrs Stevens stood behind me with her hands on her hips. Luckily, the class hadn't noticed I was about to get killed by the teacher, and the room was still pretty noisy.

 "Erm, well..." I stammered, ignoring Aidan smirking at me. I didn't really like being this close to Mrs Stevens. She was probably about 103 years old, with a wrinkly face and bad breath 24/7. On top of all that, she had a hairy wart on her nose, which balanced her glasses on her bony nose for her. Convenient wart. 

"I thought so. Now in 5 minutes I will expect you to have highlighted any key themes throughout Act 1, and I will get you to show and tell the class what you've done." Mrs Stevens declared, before glaring at me one more time and walking away. I quickly turned to my copy of the text, opened it, and began scanning the pages, ignoring Aidan as he chuckled beside me.

It was going to be a long day.

I called it, didn't I?

As the final bell of the day rang, I practically screamed in delight and ran out of Biology, shoving past any 7th graders that got in my way. I was free until tomorrow. Freedom! The day had dragged on a lot. It was partly due to the fact that Rachael was unsurprisingly absent. I imagined her testing her new invisibility in one of the makeup shops downtown, trying on all the testers without getting stared at by the people working in there.

Yep, she was probably doing that.

As I opened the front doors of the school and stepped into the fresh Autumn air, I noticed a boy across the street, leaning on a tree wearing a silver jacket and jeans. I only knew one person in the whole of San Francisco that owned, let alone wore a silver jacket.

"Ace!" I cried, grinning and running over the road to meet him, narrowly missing a car. When he finally noticed me his face lit up and he flicked a strand of blonde hair out of his eyes.

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