Chapter 21 - Revolution

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My body whizzed round to find the students of our year group cowering away from a dark figure in the middle of the room. The K-Pop had paused on the speakers, and I realised the scream had erupted from a girl on the floor, cowering under the figure's stare. I recognised her as a bratty girl from my Biology class, yet she looked entirely different now, with her eyes wide as she stared at whoever was standing above her.

"What is going on here?!" Ace's voice bellows through the silent room, with the disco lights still spinning. A minute ago, they added a fun effect to the room and the dancing. Now, they were ironic. A reminder of what this night was supposed to be. The figure slowly turns towards Ace, revealing his face.

"Jack? Is that you?" It was Jack Williams , dressed in a weird black cape. 

"I never thought you'd remember me, Cascade. Considering how insignificant I was." He spat in reply, venom filling his voice. This wasn't the Jack Williams I knew. Ace glanced over at me in confusion, but I ignored him.

"What do you mean? What are you doing here, anyway?" I continued, causing Jack to chuckle menacingly. Whatever this boy was doing here, I was beginning to think it wasn't for the right reasons. 

"I was beginning to think you'd never ask." Jack replied, smirking and slowly walking towards Ace and I, causing Ace to move infront of me protectively a little. "I'm sure you know I'm home-schooled now. Nobody to be bullied by, you see."

Oh boy.

"Jack, what..."

"Silence!" He snapped, causing the silent students around the dance hall to jump, before he calmly spoke again. "As I was saying, I'm home-schooled now. Thanks to the immature idiots at the school, I had to be taken out of the education system. So now I'm an outsider." 

"I'm sure there's nothing wrong with being home-schooled, dude. You still haven't explained why you're here, causing this unnecessary commotion." Ace replied, a warning in his tone of voice causing me to wince. This wasn't going to end well. I had a gut feeling. 

"I was just getting to that. You see, now that I'm an outsider I have more free time. And what better way to spend that free time than getting revenge on the people that put me in that position, ey?" 


In the blink of an eye, Jack lifted his hand and a wisp of blue air was channelled towards Ace, I stepped forward, glancing up at Ace to find his normal ocean blue eyes were bright red.

"Jack, what did you do?" 

"Ah, Cascade. Jack is in the past. The name's Hypno now."

"Y-you're not serious? What have you done?" I was getting exasperated, and Ace looked down at me with his demonic eyes.

"Your boyfriend is enhanced. I haven't done anything, I'm just helping." Before I could react, Ace lurched forward and held me up by my neck, causing an instant lack of oxygen in my lungs. Along with this, Hypno turned around, extending his hand and spreading a blue mist over the whole room. Students began screaming and cowering to the corners of the room, as the doors were still locked. Panicking, I clawed at Ace's strong grip as he glared at me with glowing eyes, refraining from using my powers as I wasn't wearing my goddamn suit. Suddenly he was knocked to the side, losing his grip on me so I landed clumsily on my feet.

"He's enhanced, Cass. Looks like brainwash from the way Ace is handling you now." Rach's voice instantly put me at ease as she spoke in my ear whilst invisible. I opened my mouth to reply, but was stopped by Ace returning to his feet begin to walk automatically towards me. "His brain has been programmed to kill you, I reckon. Try knocking him out or something, I'll take care of Jack."

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