Chapter 20 - Korean Pop, Something's Wrong

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The purring camper pulled infront of the hotel downtown, where the dance was being held. For some reason, there was the tingling sensation of butterflies in my stomach as I glanced out the window, watching other people from our year get their photos taken outside.

"I'll park round the corner. Is Rachael here?" Ace muttered, swinging his arm over the steering wheel as we turned the street.

"Yep." I replied glumly, instantly spotting Rachael blushing and clinging to Aidan's arm in the crowd of people. The only reason I could spot her so easily was that her dress was a ginormous light pink ball gown, ballooning out underneath her tiny waist. Only she could rock something like that. I was much more low-key.

"So, is Raidan a thing now?"

"I should still get credit for that ship name, yanno."

"You didn't answer my question." Ace declares, as we slowly drive further down the street to find a parking space, losing sight of Rachael's Disney princess.

"I think so. She doesn't want to admit it though, and I can never seem to have a lengthy conversation with Aidan anymore." Ace swings the camper into a space and turns the engine off, turning in his seat to look at me with confused eyes.


"I don't know. Probably something to do with Evan. He used to throw sarcastic comments at me all day in class, but he's quieter now. Sure, he brightens Rach's days, but he seems to hate me now." I explain, unplugging my seatbelt and shrugging.

"Heh, he's losing out. Now c'mon, let's go kick ass at this dance." In one swift movement, Ace hops out of the car, speeds round to my door and opens it. "After you, m'lady."

"Shut up. If you're this annoying for the whole evening I'm jumping out a window." I hiss in reply, smirking a little as I ignore his offer of a hand and jump down from the camper seat onto the street. 

"Hey, I was just trying to be charming! If you want, I can be grumpy instead." 

"Nah, this is fine."

"Mhm, really?" Ace murmurs near my ear, as we cross the street and walk towards the entrance of the hotel, where students have gathered to take photos. 

"I take it back." Smirking at him, I look towards the crowd of people and lock eyes with Rachael. She immediately grins at me and begins strutting towards us, dragging Aidan behind her.

"You guys made it!" She exclaims, beaming at us as the two approach. Her eyes land at our feet and her grin slowly forms into a sly smirk. "And you're matching? Goals."

"Rach, I won't hesitate to shoot you with water." I snap, before realising Aidan was stood right next to her. I feel Ace tense up beside me, noticing my mistake.

"Shoot her? What?" Aidan asks, raising an eyebrow at me. Rachael opens her mouth, but Ace interrupts.

"There were water guns in the back of my camper. Cass wanted to bring one, but I wouldn't let her." He smoothly explains, looking over at me and flashing a smile.

"Cass, you're seriously weird. Anyway, let's go dance!" Rachael breaks Aidan's odd stare at me and takes his hand, causing Ace to nudge me in the side as we walk behind them.

"I ship it so hard."

Half an hour and twelve sausage rolls later, I found myself leaning against the wall of the large dance room, which the hotel had decked with coloured streamers and tacky decorations. Ace had bumped into a friend from his own school, and was currently laughing around with him and a large group on the other side of the room. Still, he kept stealing occasional glances in my direction. I let my eyes wander over the crowd of students as 'Welcome To New York' by Taylor Swift blasted from the speakers.

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