Part one [the struggle]

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Your footsteps echoed across the empty halls of UA. You weren't a type of student who showed up late to school. In fact, you were always there before most people even showed up. You didn't want to stay at home it wasn't safe there. You weren't safe anywhere

They would always follow you around and appear in random places. Their distorted faces haunting you if they even had one, to begin with. Mangled statues looming over other people, passing through them while all you could do was watch, praying that they wouldn't catch you staring at them.

Your tired eyes skeemed over the giant doors to all the empty rooms in a desperate attempt to think of something else.
Shaking your head you entered a classroom. Closing the door behind you you sat down at your desk, the flimsy backpack sliding off your shoulders and onto the ground with an audible thump of books and supplies.

'A hero school huh...' you thought sliding out a notebook before scanning the empty room. The air around you was dense and had a faint tinge of cleaning supplies. Classrooms at UA didn't have any windows so it was up to the lamps above you to make the place more welcoming.

'The dream that I had since childhood is coming true.' Those thoughts although encouraging for some reason didn't really hold any happy connotations.

'I'm in class 1-C so it isn't that bad. Could be worse. be honest, I don't know how I even passed the entrance exam' You signed, playing with the edge of your notebook that was already slightly damaged by your usual fidgeting and messy behavior.

You saw something passing through the wall to the classroom. Air stilled around you as the creature walked into the room slowly. Your body immediately froze, and a cold expression of pure fright paralyzed your face.

You see these creatures almost every day since you were 4 years old but every single time its equally as terrifying. You have two quirks your main one is called "flex". It allows you to stretch in many angles, increases your speed and attack power by eighter hardening or softening your muscle tissue. It was basic, without any flashy lights or endearing colors.

But your second quirk...

It's like a curse.

Mentioning it was for you almost completely off the table, many events in your life have engraved that in your head. They would probably lock you up in a mental institution anyway or just blatantly laugh at you for even saying something "as absurd".

These creatures, monsters whatever they are called have been appearing everywhere and nobody except you seems to notice them. They would sometimes growl, distorted limbs cracking as they walked across rooms and through the walls and ceilings. Some of them waking you up at night, scratching through the floors of your bedroom and into the apartment below, walking around aimlessly, since nothing seemed to stop them. And no one besides you sees them.

The monster was now fully in the classroom. Its long, slender, white body didn't cast a shadow but the creature seemed to be baved in them. Harsh light of the lamps casting dark streaks across its half-transparent figure.

It stared at you in silence. Your body finally decided to move as you take the notebook and cover up half of your face. You wanted to cover your eyes but the fear of not seeing it move made your hands unable to move further up.

It's figure started moving towards you not making any sound as its body was bearly touching the ground. It was vaguely humanoid, more so than some others you have seen, but the lack of face and a generally dysshaped skull made it all the more frightening.

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