Chapter Six

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I'm Back~~~~~~~ If you haven't, I suggest you check out my other fanfic . It is what I will work on during short "brain breaks" (Writers block). Anyway, the upper picture is who I am basing the doll off of minus a few changes.



 Lance frowned when he exited his ship, Astra curled around his shoulders her claws pricking his skin in an attempt to stay still while he moved. He struggled to breath when Matt hopped over giving him a dull look of sympathy.

He shrugged in an attempt to ignore the soft stinging pain of guilt, why should he feel guilty? They were the ones to drive him to running off and nearly dying. Astra's claws snapped him out of his mind and he looked up noticing the worried gaze that she focused on him.

"Where is she at?" He decided, facing Matt completely as they began to walk onto the blue grassed planet.

Matt paused for a moment, "She's still in the lab...But she is in perfect shape, the go-to guy is sorta paranoid is all!" Matt added when he saw Lance's skeptical expression. "Anyway, thanks to the magic you let us use, she has her own conscious; this has it's ups and downs." He explained, his hands doing rapid motions that seemed to be trying to tell a story.

"Uh-huh..."  Lance nodded, his eyebrow was raised to show false interest which Matt picked up immediately.

"Well, how did Team Voltron take the news?" He asked as they neared the multi-colored lab, it was made of wood from an almost dead planet that the Galra were using. The Rebels and Electric had managed to snag enough wood to make a near indestructible laboratory that escaped the galra radars. 

"Pidge slapped me, Hunk was mentally breaking down, Keith hates me, Shiro is worried. I cover everyone?" Lance snapped lightly, he was annoyed that they were angry at him when he had no control over the situation. Hell, he had been reminded of his failure to protect earth not even a week later.

Matt frowned softly, almost like he were going to ask a question before deciding against it.

"So where is this doll?" Lance said, clearing the silence that started hovering around them.

Matt perked back up almost immediately. "You know that unfinished hall?" Lance nodded.

He knew, it was the one that wasn't completely stable and had little to no technology that he was aware of.

"Yeah, is she there?" Matt nodded looking giddy. 

"You are going to be so pleased when you see what she can do. But,uh, a word of warning...She doesn't look like the blueprints, because the magic altered her form, so don't be shocked." Lance nodded and turned down the specific hallway. It was different, now windows lined every side, lights brightly lit the long hall along the bottom of the walls. Windows spaced out showing different rooms, each one seemed to have a creepy creature. 

One in particular was what caught Lance's eyes, it was slightly rusty but the dull orbs for eyes were staring right at him as it hit the glass, the bottom half of it was gone exposing the wires and sparks.

Matt noticed his interest and hesitated, "They are the previous test. Each one has some of your magic which is why they are suddenly active..." He explained lowly, and tugged Lance to the far end of the hall. 

In the room, was a small girl. She had dark violet pick-tails tied with bows, her skin was a little lighter than hers but her eyes were almost replicas. She wore a dark grey tank top dress which exposed the spots on her arms were they moved. (AN:Ya know, the circles on dolls where they can like move from elbows down or shoulders up and down??) In her arms was a large stuffed animal, it was a lion. She looked sad.

Lance stepped closer to the glass as the girl looked up toward him. 

"Project:St-4-5-00, please activate you particle barrier." The girl, known as ST-4-5-00 did as told and a small pink barrier appeared around her, it seemed to agitate her though.

"I want to meet her." Lance decided. Matt nodded and relayed the message as the door beside the window opened.

 Lance stalked in, examining the small room. Words were scrapped into the wood. 






7th Wheel


Lance ran his fingers over the words, feeling the old thoughts stir in his head in agreement to what he read. He moved away from the wall and stood in front of the girl.

She watched his movement slowly. And opened her mouth, Lance heard Matt gasp lightly behind him.

"Useless....Pointless.... Anger....Lions......Fake....7th Wheel....Broken." Her voice glitched to different pitches and her eyes flickered to grey to blue repeatedly.

"Is that all you say?" Lance asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Useless..." She started again.

"Matt." Lance growled.

"It's the first time she actually spoke, it may because of your magic, because when you aren't here she is mute and does react lively." He explained, Lance nodded and walked off.

A cold metal hand grabbed his wrist, "Broken." She said, Lance snatched his arm back and exited.

"Call me when she isn't reacting like this to my magic." He said dully. Matt nodded, looking worried.

Lance left the building and entered his ship, Astra, who had stayed silent the whole time, hopped off his shoulders and curled into her seat.

Lance set coordinates, in a day or two they would get to their destination. Until then, Lance was going to sleep.


Next Chapter should have memories!! Also, ST-4-5-00 should show up again, don't worry, her name is temporarily. 

Also, it's out!! I did it! =D

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