Chapter Two

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Comm's :

Lance: Text

Keith: Text

Shiro: Text

Matt: Text

Astra: Text

Third P.O.V~~~

Lance drove to the nearly deserted planet where he would be paid, a large wolf hybrid creature was who hired him.Mainly for revenge but it took out a Galran ship so he had agreed without much fuss. Astra was sitting in her own seat, her third eye glowing white, each of her tails at the tips seemed to glow as well.

It was her way of checking Lance's mental health, during episodes she had used her strange abilities to calm him down. He pushed the thought out of his mind as he came up to the dirt planet, it had blobs of grey and black from buildings that could be seen, it was mostly a dark orange color that had tints of red in it.

Lance floated there for a minute before zooming to the meeting place, giving a bark of laughter when Astra shrieked and slipped from her own mind realm and toppled to the floor. She hissed darkly at him and crawled back, but Lance only laughed at her annoyed look.

"Shut your quiznack." She snapped, but there was no real heat behind her voice. Lance snickered slightly but quieted down.

"We are landing soon, buckle your seat belt." Lance told her, his voice taking on a more serious tone as he spotted the familiar mud brown cargo ship. He slowly eased his ship to land softly besides it but his ship lurched sideways from the wind of the planet.

Thankfully it hadn't flipped over, the wind reminded Lance of an ocean. Push than pull, that was what the wind did. A video call flickered in front of him and the hybrid's face appeared, a fresh scar was on his jaw, his sharp teeth jutting outward and overlapping. His white fur had blood dried on it mixed with mud? Dirt? Lance didn't really care as he answered the call with  slight sigh. The Hybrid was a bit to loud.

"Vrob, it's nice to see you again." Lance said respectfully, in the past he had scared customers off with his attitude and learned quickly how to act toward them; no matter what. The Wolf Hybrid -Vrob- growled lowly in response.

"I have your money, let us skip pleasantries." His snout made a cruel smile as he spoke.

"Whatever you say, just send the money." Lance said, not bothering to hide his tired voice anymore. Vrob pulled up a small screen besides him and a similar screen appeared in front of Lance.

"Transaction complete." His ship announced, Lance turned to the wolf.

"Alright, heading off." Lance said, hanging up the video and lifting his ship into the air, as slowly he could without it getting tossed and turned due to the wind. He rolled his eyes as Astra jumped off her seat and tumbled into a wall as the ship shook.

"I hate this ship-we need to fix her." Astra huffed out with a small glare. Lance snorted lightly, "Nah, you just need to stay in your seat." He said, a teasing tone in his voice as he exited the atmosphere. "By the way, we are going on a mission with Matt, Shiro, and someone else." He started, "To help some prisoners escape."

"Hm, why do we have to go?" She grumbled with a hiss, "They could handle it!"

"Because, we need this alliance and I owe Matt a mission." He admitted with a grin.

"You f-"


Lance was crouched in a vent, his gun charged as he shot Galra's from his hiding place, making a path for Keith to catch up with Shiro and Matt who were holding off more soldiers. It had been a trap, and Lance was nearly ready to just blow the ship up and abandon the civilians, after all this was a war, and casualties were bound to happen right?

Sadly his idea had been thrown out the window by everyone, except Astra; they spoke in their own comm, Astra had one in the ship with her. Lance growled inwardly and felt his ears press against his skull angrily as he listened to the comms.

"Uh, so there are no prisoners. Just a bunch of-ugh- mother fucking druids!" Matt hissed out, Lance heard Keith and Shiro curse under their breaths.

"Language." Astra purred despite the situation. Lance glared at the wall next to him, imagining the small cat curled in his chair with her third eye and tails glowing with a wicked grin.

"So, can I blow the place now." Lance hissed as he hopped out of the vent, stretching quickly and hurrying to the control room.

"No!" Keith hissed, "We're still on, dumbass.

"And?" Lance couldn't keep himself from saying, silence filled the comms for a moment as Lance shot another sentry. 

"Lance. Play nice, you will not blow up the ship, or I mean at least wait until we're off." Matt offered with an amused tone. 

"Okay, Keith get to Red, Matt you come with me and Lance, don't die." Shiro said, he had a resigned voice, Lance could tell it was because their was no arguing with Lance. Lance waited for them each to get into the Lions and head off, keeping his comm on to keep updated.

"Fuck." Lance growled as the Witch Bitch eyed him with a cunning grin,  he attached the bomb he made and bolted, dodging the lights of electricity and shooting back. He managed to hit her hand making her screech in fury and pain. "Yo, guys." He started, biting his lip until he tasted copper as more soldiers appeared from the different halls.

"What?" Keith asked, Lance could imagine him with one eyebrow raised in a slightly cute questioning way. 

"Lance, what did you do?" Matt demanded, after a tired groan.

Astra purred in question and Shiro hummed quietly as he listened.

"So, I planted the bomb, shot Witch Bitch,Hagger if you don't know her, and am now lost and being surrounded." Lance said, moving from his hiding place as he shot back at the angry Galrans attacking him.

Astra shrieked with laughter, "You idiot!" a thud was heard, "Ow..."

"Really, now?" Lance grumbled quietly as he ran down a random hall; hoping for the best.

"Hold on, we are looking for your location- wrong way, turn around and go straight for ten feet then turn right. There should be a vent, crawl into it and there will be three different ways, left middle, and right. Go through the middle, it should lead to your ship." Matt instructed, his voice lowered with seriousness. "And remember-"

"Keep the comm open, yes, I got it." Lance interrupted turning and hurrying down the hall, again, until he turned and found the vent. He pulled himself up and went straight.  "Okay, Astra move the ship up, okay, okay, OKAY STOP." He instructed and hopped into his large ship, grinning as he zoomed off from the ship. "Everyone got out right?" Lance asked, holding the trigger for the bomb, excitement making his fingers tingle.

"Yeah." They all said simply. 

"Great." Lance said, pushing the button and enjoying the sounds of his surprised allies.  He turned his ship to face the Black and Red Lions and Matt's cargo ship smirking under his mask.

"Okay, let's get to the castle ship. Lance, please join us to celebrate our alliance, and to discuss the plans for the coalition." Shiro said, smiling lightly on his hologram. Lance forced himself not to growl; he still didn't like the idea of teaming up with Voltron.

"Whateves, Shiro. Signing off." He said, his voice sounding dull even to himself. But he wasted no time on it and turned the comms off and closed their video call. Astra curled herself around his neck.

"Relax, Electric. You'll get through the dinner." She purred, her tails curling around herself almost completely and looking a lot like a blanket of soft fur. "Hopefully." She added teasingly.

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