Chapter 41

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I was blinded by bright light as I opened my eyes. I lifted my arm to block out some of the light. "Sorry Miss let me close the curtains." A male voice said. Fear clawed at my heart as I waited for West and his minions to appear from the safety of the shadows to hurt me.

I nodded unsure of who I was speaking to as the light disappeared and my vision cleared. I prepared to defend myself when I realized I was in a hospital bed. I sat up but only made it half way before the pain settled in. I winced and sunk back down into a sleeping position. "Relax miss. You're gonna be alright." I looked up to see a man in a nurse's uniform. "Thanks." I said grateful that West was no where to be seen.

"You have a special visitor." I looked up to see Gideon standing at the door of my hospital room smiling warmly. "Gideon?" I asked unsure if I was dreaming. "It's me Thalia." I rested my head against my pillow and my entire body relaxed. "You're safe." Gideon gave a bright smile before his laughter filled the room. "I think I should be the one saying that." I gave him a questioning look. "You were poisoned months before by West. He nearly killed you if it weren't for the fact that the hospital had the antidote on hand." Gideon said sitting down beside my bed.

"The medics did and entire physical on me when I got back though so how would they have been able to over see such a powerful poison?" I asked as he grasped my hand tightly. My body relaxed as I fully took in that my old friend was sitting right beside me. "Because it grew into the poison that infected your entire body and blood stream that caused you to nearly go brain dead." Gideon said as he played with my wedding ring. "How are they?" He smiled looking up at me. "You've been on your death bed three times yet the only people you've worried about are you're team." I blushed. "They're my family...You're my family." I said softly as I rested my head on my intertwined hands.

"They want to come in and see you. You should let them. They were all so worried." Gideon got up to leave. "Promise me you won't leave us again." I begged starting to panic in the realization that Gideon might be disappearing again. "I'll be close." He said kissing my forehead before opening the hospital room door and ushering the rest of our family in.

Garcia walked over and clutched my hand tightly while JJ, Emily, Morgan, Hodge, Jack and Rossi followed closely behind. "Reid is talking to your doctor right now." I nodded exhaling deeply. "How do you feel?" I rolled my eyes. "Like I got hit by a bus...but I'll live." Morgan chuckled as did Rossi while JJ just smiled at Emily exchanging a knowing look but Garcia looked worried. "Garcia don't worry I'm not dead yet." I said trying to lighten the mood. She broke into a smile and leaned down to whisper in my ear. "You owe me a fact." I burst out laughing and nodded. "I will tell you when I get outta here okay?" She nodded biting her lip to try and hide her smile.

I glanced over at the door as it swung open revealing a grinning Spencer and who I assumed to be my doctor. "Well it's nice to see you still alive and kicking. We thought we lost you for a few minutes there during the procedure." The doctor said chuckling. Morgan was glaring at the poor man like he was ready to kill him.

I smiled at the doctor as he filled in the team on my physical situation. "She's fine really. Her body just needs a few days to adjust as the antidote does it's work. You see the poison acted similarly to cancer recreating it's own cells so the poison has become a part of her to some extent." The doctor explained as JJ shifted from one foot to the other clearly uncomfortable with what she was hearing.

"How were we unable to see the telltale signs?" Emily finally asked, reading JJ's clear discomfort well. "The answer to that is simple: There were no signs to notice or see. The subject may have only had a simple cold or fever in the early stages but other than that there wouldn't have been anything else to look for or notice." Morgan looked upset as did Hodge by this analysis and the doctor seemed to realize this rather quickly.

The doctor excused himself after giving the team what information they needed when it came to tending to me. I was supposed to be kept out of the field for a month at least, ensuring I was out of any form of danger if I was in the field. Everyone knew was never going to happen due to my stubborn nature and protective tendency over the victim's family.

The team cleared out giving Spence and I a moment alone before they were told they had to leave. "You gave everyone a heart attack....again." I gave him a light punch in the arm as he sat down beside me. "What else is new?" He rolled his eyes at that. "The baby is fine by the way." I said reading my best friend like a book. "Good." I decided not to inform him that the baby was supposed to be a girl to make things interesting. "So how do you want to celebrate?" I chuckled intertwining our fingers. "Surprise me pretty boy." I said using a common nickname Morgan had for Reid.

"Alright, I will Lia." He said kissing my knuckles as he stood up to leave. "Where's my necklace by the way?" I asked unsure of how to ask Reid about my mother's ring as well. "Here." He said pulling both out of his pocket before slipping the ring on my ring finger and putting the necklace around my neck. I smiled like a kid in a candy shop. It was funny saying it but it felt as if everything was falling into place. Of course I knew there was no such thing as happily ever after but were getting about as close as it gets.

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