Chapter 7

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My eyes opened and I started to sit up, only to be greeted by a pounding headache.  Where the hell am I? I looked around. What happened? I looked down at what I was wearing. A green dress. Then it all came back. The date, Ben, the kiss and Spencer. "Spencer!" I yelled swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I was in a luxurious hotel room, that was probably bigger than my bathroom and bedroom combined. 

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty!" I scrambled off the king sized bed pressing my back against the wall to face whoever had taken me. "D-Damon?" My body started to shake as memories of being held down and violated hit me like a freight train. He had been one of the seniors who had raped me.

"Oh how sweet you remember me!" He said excitedly. "You make it sound like our last experience together was a good one." I stated coldly. "Oh come on now Thalia you were just playing hard to get so the guys and I took it upon ourselves to respond...and it was a bet." He said smirking as he studied me.

"And that justifies what you did to me?!" I yelled angrily. He shrugged and sipped a mug. "Why did you need Ian?" I asked irritated, trying to calm down. "I needed to kidnap you but needed someone you trusted to take certain measures to ensure I got you. So I spun a few lies and presto! He helped me. Poor idiot was already in love with you but was satisfied being just a friend, can you believe that?" Damon said laughing. " You psychopath! Are you freaking serious? You kill my brother and best friend plus you nearly killed my boyfriend for what? To have me again-" "Yes. You were a lot of fun last time Thalia...don't taint your reputation with poor manners." Damon mocked.

I spun on my heel and walked towards the door, Damon stood up following me to the door. "Thalia I wouldn't. You're boyfriend is dead so all you have left is your little angel so I'd tread carefully." I spun on my heel and slapped Damon straight across the face. "He is alive you prick! And I will find him again even if it's the last thing I do!" I yelled. Damon glared at me his face darkening.

"I wouldn't try that again or I may have to teach you a lesson..." He slapped me harshly across the face bringing me to my knees. I breathed out deeply and tried to stand but I felt a pain run straight through my back; sharp, quick and burning. I screamed in pain as he kept hitting me. It finally stopped when I collapsed to the floor. "This is why you respect me...or you get hurt. Understand?" I nodded. "Do you understand?" He screamed in my ear. "Yes."

It had been 12 days since I woke up. Damon has show me proof that Spencer is alive, worried as hell and exhausted from the looks of the tape he showed me, but alive. I sat watching TV day after day, and when I wasn't watching TV I was serving Damon like a slave. He would whip me if I ever messed up on anything and got quite a kick out of watching me try to clean the blood off my back. He was yet to try to touch me inappropriately in any way but then again I don't think he would. That didn't appear to be his motive, proving that he always would have some hold on me, that was the goal. 

I watched as the reporter spoke about Ian's trial in a month. "Poor Ian." I whispered softly. Damon heard me and smirked. "Thalia please go make my bed." I got up and went to make his bed. I entered the bed room and froze. The bed was made I turned around only to be shoved roughly onto the bed. I felt his fingers tearing at my clothes as I screamed on the top of my lungs. 

A loud crash interrupted him. I shot up in bed and he ran towards the door only to hear someone yell, "FBI!" Grabbing me by the hair Damon dragged me out of bed and threw me to the ground as the bed room door flew open. "Stop or I'll shoot!" Spencer stood there with Morgan and JJ, hands shaking and finger twitching on the trigger. "Don't make me kill your beloved girlfriend Spencer." Damon snickered.  

I used the little strength I had to kick Damon in the knee, and as he called out in pain I rolled away. I heard the thud of his body hitting the ground and listened to him stuggle as what sounded like handcuffs clicked. "Hey Thalia. We're gonna get you out of here okay?" I nodded looking up at JJ as I was lifted up.

I felt my eyes grow heavy as I was lulled into a deep sleep.


"His name is Damon Woods. He was involved with Thalia's original assault.  He discovered Ian was in love with Thalia and was in desperate need of money and persuaded Ian to kidnap her." Hotch said. "Guys! I got a hit, he just checked into a hotel about two weeks ago!" Gracia called from her computer. I shot up ready to murder this man. "Let's go." I was out the door and in the car the others on my heels.

We arrived at the hotel and I ran to the front desk. "My name is Dr. Spencer Reid I'm with the FBI what room is Mr. Damon Woods staying in?" I asked flashing my badge. "Room 1012." The women said. "There have been complaints about noise in there a women screaming I thi-" I ran up the stairs and straight to room 1012. I kicked the door down only to have a muscular man with jet black hair and brown eyes throw Lia on the ground roughly.

She looked battered and bruised and barely conscious not to mention the fact she was in her underclothes. I pointed my gun at him. "Don't make me kill your girlfriend Spencer." The man mocked aiming a revolver at Lia.

Lia looked at me and I could see a spark of hope in her eyes once again. She kicked the man and rolled away from him. I tackled Damon and hit him over and over again until I was pulled off of him, then handcuffing him. "He's down Reid! He's down."

Tears were running down my cheek as I turned to see Lia being lifted up by paramedics. "C'mon let's go to the Ambulance." Morgan said helping me up. We followed the paramedics and I rode in with Lia. I gently ran my fingers through her hair and kissed her forehead. "Fight it Lia. You're a always have been."

When we got to the hospital Lia was taken away while I was dragged over to a nurse who bandaged up my knuckles. "I never thought you had it in you Reid." Morgan said. "When ever it came to protecting Thalia it was always different. She's so pure and empathetic and kind. I never understand how people can hurt her." I said watching as the bandages covered my bleeding knuckles. 

"I've always been this way about her. I don't know why but I guess she reminds me of what my mom was before... What ever it is I just want to protect her no matter what." Morgan smiled at me. "I'm happy for you man. I really am." 

Elle, JJ, Hotche and Gideon walked in minutes later joining Morgan and I in the waiting room. After hours of waiting the doctor came out. "She's got severe gashes on her back which will take some time to heal and we had to reset one of her ribs. She'll be fine. However...there were some side effects of her capture...I think you should see this for yourself. " 

"You should prepare yourself." The doctor said. "She is in a very fragile state." The door opened and I stared at the lifeless pale body before me. The heart monitor beeped indicating her heart rate was steady but still. Her lips were cracked and dark while her almost white skin seemed to glow under the hospital light. "There were large whip marks across her back." The doctor said showing us a picture of Lia's bare back. "Here stomach will heal and so will her back but...this poor women will need real support to get through this in addition to physical and psychological rehabilitation." "And she'll get it." I said firmly. I sat down next to Thalia and I grasped her hand tightly. "Please don't leave me Mockingbird...please." I begged softly.

I felt a gently squeeze on my hand. Looking up at her, she was fighting to keep her eyes open. "I...I am...not going...anywhere." 

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