Chapter 10

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Lia and I lay on the couch exhausted. We had spent hours looking through the files of our old bullies. Gina Mendes, Carlo Lasim, Jake Wood, Ben Griffen and Lilian Young. She lay resting her head agaist my shoulder her legs stretched across the couch."You two look exhausted." JJ said walking into the room holding a file. "You've been at this for hours. Go get some rest Spence." I nodded then gently lifted Thalia up since she had fallen asleep.

I walked up the stairs and lay her down on the bed. Even exhausted and stressed she looked beautiful.I wrapped the blankets around her and then lay down beside her. She snuggled into me and lifted the blanket wrapping half of it around me. "Night Butters." She said kissing my cheek. "Night Lia." I pecked her lips.

She wrapped her arms around me and I almost shrugged her off instinctively. I wasn't used to such physical contact with someone even Lia. Though with her I always experienced something different. She nuzzled my chest and planted a kiss on my shoulder. I wrapped my hand around her, my hands trembling slightly. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up to the sound of glass breaking. I snatched the gun up from the side table and wrapped my arms around Lia aiming the gun at the window. The dark figure stared at me body frozen in what seemed to be shock. "Well if it isn't the happy couple! Who knew you'd end up together?" Gina. It was definitely Gina. "Well I did." Lia said imitating Gina. Gina growled angrily and stepped towards the bed. Bad move. Lia scissored her legs causing Gina to fall. Lia kicked harshly and kneed her in the face.

By the time I seperated the two Gina had a bloody nose and a bruised arms. Gina lunged towards the window. "Be careful Thalia. The Kig Pin wants your little boyfriend dead. Which means your precious little angel Carla may have to die." Gina growled. "It's Crystal you bitch and no one is going to touch her!" Lia lunged at Gina but she was gone before Lia could hurt her.

"I want Crystal under government protection." She stated bluntly as Morgan, Hodge, Gideon, JJ and Elle ran in. She pushed past my team mates and down to her sleeping niece. "What happened?" Hotch asked. "Gina broke the window and well attacked Lia but Lia took care of her then Gina said that the King Pin wanted to kill me and that Crystal may die in the process." I said. Gideon had a hard expression. "Put her under protection. Reid tell Thalia to pack up she's moving to another location."


We slammed the doors of the car shut. We had been taken to a cabin in the woods. Lia looked exhausted and stressed. She hasn't slept since the incident with Gina. She walked into the cabin and sat down on the couch pulling out her sketch book. She started to sketch something. I sighed at her choice not to interact with others. It didn't suit her at all. I sat down next to her. "What are you sketching?" She smiled softly. "Give me a minute and I'll show you."

It was a small cottage with eight bedrooms along a long hallway that ended at the back door of the hut, a small make shift kitchen, a dinning room in the middle of the kitchen which had a round table in the center of it with six chairs and a small living room which really just had a long sofa and a few sofa chairs. There were a few old paintings hung on the wall and the walls were painted a beige color. Lia was sitting on the long couch as I helped Morgan with a few of the bags.

I turned to see Lia offering me her sketch book. Her eyes looked hollow. Empty. I looked down at the image and felt something break inside me. It was an image of her family but everyone was faded while Thalia looked clear and easy to notice. I flipped through it and nearly cried at all the sad images.

There were a few images of mocking birds and flowers but most of them were sad. I finally flipped to the last picture to see it was a sketch of me and her from high school. We had dressed up for Halloween. I was Luke Skywalker and she was Padmea. She had everything right down to the fake lightsaber at my hip.

"You need to be cheered up." I said pretending to scratch my chin. She smiled weakly. "I'm gonna go onto the deck Spence." She grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around herself before walking out the back door. I stared at the picture of us and flipped the book in attempt to close the book when I noticed that there was another sketch on it. I studied the picture. The sketch had a flock of mockingbirds with one flying in the opposite direction of the rest. An eagle and a hawk were circling the lone mocking bird as if preparing to kill it. I noticed a large butterfly swooping in from above.

I closed Lia's sketch book and set it down on the table. I exhaled deeply and walked over to back door. I opened the door then closed it. I walked down the dock and stood beside Lia. "The mocking bird is beautiful." I said gently. She nodded and smiled weakly. "I thought that you should have these." Lia turned to look at me. I handed her, her father's dog tags. "What's happening Spencer?" She whispered tears forming in her eyes. "I know that we need to find out whoever this is and we need to stop them from hurting you ever again." She looked at me blinking back tears.

I need to create a distraction. "Teach me how to dance." I blurted out. "What?" She said confused. "We need to get your mind off things so teach me how to dance." I said more confidently. For the first time in days Lia smiled. A real smile. Before I could stop myself I pulled her into me and nuzzled her. "Beautiful." I realized what I was doing and pulled away awkwardly. "Sorry I-" "Alright so you need to learn how to ballroom dance...." I smiled as my best friend started to get her glow back.

By sunset I was doing the waltz with Lia. "Hey Reid!" Morgan called out. "It's time for dinner. Elle got Chinese." We both blushed stepping away from each other gathering our things then heading inside. "So what have you guys been doing?" Garcia asked as she ate and typed away on her laptop. "Dancing." Lia said shoving noodles into her mouth. Morgan stared at Lia. "Dancing? Reid was dancing?" She nodded. "He's actually pretty good." Lia said smiling.

"Have you found any leads yet?" I asked suddenly. Lia nodded sitting up properly from her slouched position. "Well we know that they're all involved but we're not sure who the Kig Pin is." JJ said as she read over a file. Thalia glanced over the files using her chopstick to poke her bottom lip. Her eyes darkened and she spoke silencing everyone. "It's Ben." They all looked up and stared at Thalia. "The King Pin is Ben."

Make It Personal (Spencer Reid Fanfiction) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now