Chapter 22

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I think waiting is the most destructive thing on earth. We all sat in the hospital waiting for an answer to the question that was on everyone's mind: will Spence survive? The team was aware that I was possibly pregnant but I refused to go to a doctor until I knew Spencer was okay. I closed my eyes and tried to remember a happier time.

"Thalia the water is too cold! You could get hypothermia!" A younger Spencer called worriedly while my mother laughed lightly at his use of words. His shaggy brown hair covered his forehead and his large framed glasses covered most of his face. "Well it's worth it!" The pre teen version of me called back giggling. My brown hair was far longer back then reaching my waist, my skin pale and pasty and my nose sprinkled by little freckles. Spencer sighed and sat down at the edge of the pool.

"Boo!" I called popping up from the water making Spencer lose his balance. He fell forward into the cold water. "Spencer!" I yelped. I helped him back onto land and we both quickly changed.

Spencer was wrapped in a blanket as we sat in front of a fire place in the back yard. I hugged him tightly as we sat watching the flickering fireplace. "Sorry Butterfly." I said softly. "It's okay Mockingbird!" He said cheerfully. "At least you proved that you don't always get hypothermia when your exposed to intense cold." I laughed causing him to smile brightly at me.

I kissed his cheek and snuggled into him. "Don't listen to what those guys at school say Thalia." He whispered causing me to tense up. "I think you're really pretty inside and out."

I opened my eyes to find tears streaming down my face. I could lose him. I could lose my best friend. I could lose my boyfriend. I could lose my life. He was my life. I had to face facts. He made me happy to wake up every morning and content when I fell asleep. He made me feel safe and at home. Sure I had Crystal but she also reminds me of the life I had.

"Thals!" JJ yelled snapping me out of my thoughts. "C'mon let's take a walk." She suggested giving me a weak smile. I nodded slowly and walked with her around until we got to the food court. Neither of us spoke unable to say anything to comfort one another.

"Lia you need to let it out." JJ whispered softly. I shook my head. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat. "When I hear the news I will let it out...everything. But right now I need to stay calm." I said in a raspy voice. "And if he doesn't survive?" JJ asked. "I do what I always do....write music then forget." She stared at me in shock.

"You could forget Spence?" I shook my head. "That's impossible but I can try-" "Lia! You and I both know that you and Spencer were made for each other. Balancing each other out in every way. You can't expect me to believe that you can just forget him." JJ said angrily. "Really? How do you know anything about me JJ? Huh? Enlighten me!" JJ sighed. "Spencer pillar of strength. If I lose him I lose my self. I'm completely alone." I said tears streaming down my face.

We were interrupted by JJ's phone vibrating. We both ran back to the waiting room to see a doctor standing there. "We think that there is a possibility that he can survive but we need someone with B- blood to donate-" "I'll do it." The doctor turned in shock. "Miss it's four pints of blood." The doctor said. "I'll do it." I repeated. The doctor nodded nervously.

He led me into the room where Spencer was. I chocked out a sob as I saw his pale life less body. A nurse instructed me to lay down and she rubbed my arm with the alcohol used to numb the pain. Then she put the needle in my arm. I watched as one pint slowly filled. Then another. And another. By the forth pint my eyes were drooping and I felt exhausted. "Miss just a little more." The nurse urged gently. I nodded forcing my eyes open. Finally when pint was filled the needle was removed from me and I closed my eyes. I collapsed out of exhaustion.

My eyes fluttered open and I groaned at the bright light. I was in a hospital room and the curtains were wide open. I turned away from the light and froze. Thalia lay unconscious on the next bed over. Her chest rose and fell slowly. "Thalia..." I started to get up when a nurse rushed in stopping me.

"She just needs rest after giving you so much blood." I nodded and stared at Lia. She had dark circles under her eyes and she looked slightly pale. Her hair was messy and her clothes were crumpled. She still looked beautiful. The mockingbird charm was clenched in her fist as she slept. I smiled and held my butterfly. She oddly seemed to relax slightly as I cradled the necklace. I noticed she was wrapping her arm around her stomach protectively. Weird.

A doctor walked in and asked how I was feeling. "In pain and worried. Will she be okay?" I asked. He nodded and bit his lip slightly as if he was contemplating telling me something. "She gave you four pints of blood so she should be up in about an hour." He said finally.

"I think she may need to speak with you about something young man." I nodded confused as my team mates walked in. They all assured me Thalia was okay and that she was safe. Will was dead thanks to me and they tore his home apart to ensure that no one else was in place to harm me. "So are you excited?" Morgan asked smirking. "About what?" I asked slightly worried now. "About-" JJ elbowed Morgan. "Thalia will tell you when she wakes up." I nodded.

"Thalia will tell who what when she wakes up?" A groggy voice said. "Oh! Your up!" Elle said relieved. "Um we'll leave you two alone." JJ whispered something in Lia ear. She looked shocked nodding.

"Hey you." She said smiling as the door was closed. She slid off the bed and walked over to me. She kissed my cheek. "What's wrong?" I asked softly brushing hair out of her face. "I'm pregnant." I stared at her in shock. She looked upset about something. "What is it Lia?" She hesitated then looked directly in my eyes.

"They did a check up on me while I was out and....." I squeezed her hand gently. "Hey it's okay. No matter what? Is the baby hurt?" I asked trying to read her expression. She shook her head. "We're gonna be parents Lia!" I kissed her softly but I could tell whatever it was it really hurt her.

"Spence....I said I was pregnant....I didn't say you were the father..."

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