Chapter 40

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"How are you pregnant?" I asked as I snuggled closer to her on the couch after eating breakfast. "What the hell did you think was going to happen after we had sex once I got home?" She asked laughing at my question. I blushed slightly embarrassed.

"Well I don't know...that was two months ago I didn't think you'd be pregnant already." She smiled at me giving me a look of uncertainty. "But you're sure your okay with having a baby now?" I smiled down at her as she rested her head on my lap. "The longer you wait for something the more you appreciate it when it comes." I whispered kissing her forehead.

"When did you get so wise?" Thalia asked raising an eyebrow at me. "When you left me." She lowered her head and an aura of sadness seemed to seep from her every pour. "It's a good thing we both found out more about ourselves and each other Thals." I said in attempt to cheer her up. She nodded but I could tell she was still a little upset. Suddenly the door bell rang. "I'm gonna pull on some shorts and a t-shirt. Do you mind answering the door?" I shook my head giving my wife one more kiss before she grabbed the blanket we used the previous night and ran up the stairs.

I opened the door to find the whole team standing there. "Hey guys..." I said awkwardly. "Hey. You guys forgot we planned a party didn't you?" I nodded realizing we had completely forgot. "Hey Thals! You might wanna get dressed we're supposed to go out tonight!" I yelled. "Oh shit! I completely forgot." She yelled. I chuckled as I listened to her running back and forth on the second floor of the house. "You guys realize it's about 3pm right?" I looked over at the microwave and froze. Emily was right. "Oh. We woke up half an hour ago. I guess with all the stress and work we've been doing we were both exhausted." I said rubbing the back of my neck embarrassed by the time. I have never slept in that late before.

I invited everyone in before walking up the stairs. I wasn't surprised when I found Lia dressed in a knee length flowing red dress which had thick straps that hung on the edge of her shoulders. She never did like tight dress but she loved this simple dress. I watched from the door way as she put her mother's locket on and her wedding ring. She frowned at her reflection as she ran her fingers over a scare that was on her bicep.

I walked over to her. "Here." I said taking one of the silver bracelets she had and wrapping it around her bicep so it covered the scar. I smiled at her in the reflection. "Thanks Spence." Thalia said smiling kindly at me through the mirror. "I'll go get ready Lia." I said kissing her shoulder. I walked over to the closet grabbing some clothes before walking over to the washroom. I quickly changed and combed my hair before walking out to see Thalia taking a deep breathe. She looked sick.

"Lia are you okay?" I asked reaching for her. She shook her head. "I'm fine. I just...." Her eyes rolled back and her knees buckled. I lunged forward catching Thalia. "Hodge call 911!" I yelled. Emily and JJ were at the door in moments with Garcia and Morgan on their heels. I cradled her body and even when the medics showed up I could barely even breathe. I clenched my fists till my knuckles went white.

"She's gonna be fine Reid." I nodded. "You're right it's probably something to do with the baby." "BABY!" I sighed. "Yes she's pregnant." I said burying my head in my hands. Please let her be okay. I prayed. It was a few hours before a doctor appeared. "Thalia Reid?" I shot up walking over to him. "I don't know what the hell she's been doing lately but her body is reacting to a sort of poison which was injected into her blood stream a few months ago or so at least because it's spread throughout her entire body." He said.

"West." I growled. Hodge was on his phone in seconds. Rossi and Morgan sat down on either side of me as I sunk into a chair trying to control my anger. It felt like I was losing her all over again. "Is there an antidote?" I asked looking up at the doctor. "Yes but it's extremely expensive. Over four million dollars." He said worry in his eyes. "West wanted Thalia to die all along. He wanted her to suffer." I whimpered sadly.

"Damnit! Even with our salary we don't have that kind of money." Morgan said fear in his voice. "I have about three milion in savings I can spare for the treatment but other than that...." Spencer sighed. "All my funds normally go to my mom, JJ you have your own family to support, so do you Morgan, Hodge doesn't Jack want to go to summer camping with you? and Emily you were planning on booking a ticket to see your mother and sort your issues out." Rossi smirked. "She really has rubbed off on you hasn't she?" I nodded smiling sadly. "We don't care Reid. She's our family too. Not just yours."

"What does she need?" We all turned to see Thalia's father standing there with a concerned look in his eyes. "An antidote for a poison which has spread throughout her body." Hodge said his lips pressing into a thin line. "Four million is the cost of the antidote." Her father nodded slowly. "I can spare at least a good two million from my savings but-" "Excuse me but we will be starting the procedure shortly." A young nurse said to the group. "What?!" We said in shock. "Yeah the treatment was paid for a few minutes ago by a gentleman claiming to be her uncle." JJ walked over to the woman and looked at her clipboard. "Guys....Gideon paid for the antidote."

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