Chapter 32

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I glanced at Spencer who was laying on the ground trying to get to his feet. "I thought you'd do better than that Thalia. He's too weak." My cousin mocked smirking as he advanced on me. "Really? You really wanna try this Eric?" I kicked Eric in the knee causing him to drop in pain then kicked the knife out of his hand before I used the edge of his own knife to knock him unconscious.

I ran over to Spence to see he'd lost quite a bit of blood. "I really suck at defending people don't I?" He mumbled as I knelt down beside him. "Little bit yeah." I ran to the hospital and found a police officer about to leave. I explained to him what happened and he arrested Eric then sent both of us into the hospital to get checked.

"So next time why don't you lead?" Reid suggested smiling as we drove home. I laughed but stopped short when my boyfriend winced at the pain that he was in from the gash in his forearm. "How bad does it hurt?" He shrugged. "I've been shot in the leg before so I'm okay. Don't worry about your parents. I sent a memo to Hotch they are under witness protection." Spence said glancing over at me. "Thank you." He smiled and nodded then turned back to the road.

My phone rang. "Hello?" "Hey Thalia. We have another case. It's a bad one." I sighed. "Alright we're just gonna change up and we'll be there." We got back home and Spencer got dressed in his usual attire: dress pants, dress shirt, sweater vest and a tie. I pulled on black jeans, a light blue tight button up blouse and black heeled ankle boots.

We arrived at the BAU and headed to the briefing room. "Great we're all here. It's time to get started." JJ said calmly. "2 fires, 2 families in three weeks. The in the first family everyone died however in the second one survived." "Well that's a pretty specific type. Attaching families who are asleep at home starting the fire at the main exits and means of escaping. But serial arsonists or criminals obsessed with fire start fires but never mean to inflict any pain. So what's this guy's deal?" Emily asked confusion flickering across her face. "94% of all serial arsonists are white, 76% are male and 16% are ever caught." Spencer said grimly.

"For this guy though he wants to watch these people suffer and have control over the situation." Gideon said sipping his coffee. "Well his time line is speeding up. First fire was set a week ago the second was two days ago." I said studying the file that Garcia had handed me on when I arrived. "I think you should check anyone who has experience with fire specifically fire men and anyone in a chemistry industry who has been laid off recently." I suggested as I grimaced at the sight of the eight year olds who were killed in the most recent fire.

"Alright everyone wheels up in thirty minutes. Thalia, Reid may I have a word?" We both nodded while everyone else filled out leaving just Gideon, Hotch, Reid and myself in the room. "Are you two alright? We were informed about what happened at the hospital and with your mother Thalia. Are you sure you want to help with this case?" I nodded. "I have no desire to stay here where my father will continue to nag me to make nice with my mother so I'd rather be travelling." I stated before gently lifting Spencer's injured arm up so the two senior agents could see his injury. "Spence on the other hand-" "Is fine." He said shooting me an annoyed look. "Alright but if anything happens you tell me and I'll give you permission to head home Thalia." Hotch said nodding towards me worriedly.

We landed in San Francisco within the hour and met the police chief briefly before setting up at the station. "Alright Spencer, Thalia work on the victimology while Morgan and Emily head to the crime scene. Gideon and I will talk to the survivor maybe she can tell us something about what happened. We have to be quick though because the doctors say she won't make it through the day." We all nodded and broke up doing our task.

"Okay so the Duncans were loved by everyone and I mean everyone. They were nice people, their kids got straight A's and they even had a well maintained house. Not to mention a golden retriever which is yet to be found." I said after about an hour of digging. "What about the Craffers?" I shook my head. "Same thing with an exception of the dog." I said sighing. "I have Garcia looking up any problems with financial records and just anything the families have in common." I said rubbing my eyes and sighed deeply. "We need one more point to finish the geographic profile...." "But?" " What are the chances that the head quarters for the Earth Defence Front is in the middle of the comfort zone?"

I immediately picked up my cell phone and dialed Garcia. "Hello welcome to the office of super girl genius how may I help you?" I chuckled putting her on speaker. "Garcia we need you to do a search. Were the two families connected to the Earth Defence Front or EDF?" A few moments later Garcia's voice filled the room.

"Nice call Thals! Both were guilty of LUST." "Lust? As in..." "No not what you and Reid do when your alone, I mean Leaking Underground Storage Tanks." I blushed brightly and Spencer pretended to be busy with the geographic profile as the team walked in.

"So who runs the group?" I asked as I quickly took a note down. "Evan Abby. Recently divorced, lost rigths to see his son William Abby and his wife Sarah Abby and he seems to be holding a steady job as an environmental consultant." "Thanks Blondie." I said and ended the call. "We have a possible suspect. Evan Abby the leader of the EDF which is what both families have in common. Both were guilty of Leaking Underground Storage Tanks or LUST. They were contacted by the EDF recently but just ignored their suggestions to fix the problem." I explained as I read over a file Garcia had sent me.

"What's bugging you?" Gideon asked. "He lives a few blocks away from a commercial zone which has a wear house that has a leaking benziene tank and his best friend is Greg Tisophy." Morgan sat down. "Pull up his picture." I pulled up a picture of a tall brunette with blue eyes. "We just talked to him. He was the first responder to the fire." I stood up and ran over to the board and drew a circle around the area. "Evacuate the area and get all avalible firefighters over there." JJ gave me a confused look. "There's no fire?" "There's about to be."

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