Chapter 15

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I sat down typing furiously until I found it. "Got it!" I called. Spencer appeared behind me. "I got his private file right here." I said printing the entire file. "This is your father's entire personal file!" Morgan said in shock when Spencer and I handed copies to the team. "Yes and no. The only thing missing is the forty million poems dedicated to my mom. Spence and I are looking over those. "You sure you don't want supervision?" Morgan asked smirking. "Yes Derek I'm sure. Trust me I don't mix work and play." I said walking away.

"Reid you are damn lucky you are with this girl cause if you weren't-" "I certainly wouldn't let her go out with you." I laughed. "Butters you comin?" I heard footsteps behind me as I sat down and started reading through them. Hotch had sent an application of mine to the BAU and I got a job on their team! It's never happened before. We were just cleaning up the rest of the case like why my father blamed me.

"Hey listen to this: as my angel we must part for but a short time I know that we will not be far from one another in our hearts." Spencer read out. "He's referring to him going off to war but...." Spencer glanced over at me. "What?" "My father hated the use of language like that. He also failed English in high school twice." "You don't think he wrote them?" I shook my head. "No I don't....but this sounds an awful lot like my mother: oh how I yearn to see thine face too see the smile upon our children's face." Spencer glanced over and stood up coming up behind me. "Yeah it does. Why would your mom write all this?" That's when I looked at the dates of the poems.

"Oh my gosh." "What?" "My mother wrote all of these when she was still pregnant with me. She had a software on her computer that could play a file out on the computer as if she was typing it herself." "So your dad continued to re watch them?" I nodded. "Very frequently. It seems as if he read this one a lot. It's called Child's True Light: As thine child lays down in restless sleep mother no more alive to be she sees thy anger thy hatred and now thy pain but please hate her no more in vain end her sorrows do not continue like a thorn in her side do nothing but let her grow she has been through enough please let her go." Spencer looked up at me.

"My father thought my mother was giving him permission to sentence me to a life of living hell." I said in shock. "It seems like it." We printed the poem and showed it to the others. "And now we have the motive." Gideon said smiling at me. I nodded a smile creeping onto my lips. I was happy because we got to go home with Spencer. "Go pack up you two. When the gear is packed we'll be on our way." Hotch said noticing my excitement. Spencer and I quickly packed up everything.

"Hey Morgan! Does the file say how my father died?" I called out. "Uh yeah. The building he was doing an operation in collapsed on his unit while they retreated." Morgan said back. "Wait..what?!" I ran over to him and snatched the file out of his hand. "What is it?" Hotch asked. "Lia wasn't you're dad a..." "Architect before the war yeah." Gideon looked up. "He either really wanted to die or faked his death." I stated bluntly. "Really? You think your father faked his own death?" Elle asked rolling her eyes.

"Honestly? Yes. My father was paranoid about making sure the home was in living condition he even re painted the house every summer whether the paint was chipped or not." I said looking at Gideon. "He would've noticed how unstable the building was plus his team felt his paranoia too whenever they quickly checked a building all windows needed to be fired into to make sure no one was in there." "So you think your father's alive?" I nodded. "I think so." My voice broke at the end. "He's not going to touch you Lia I promise." Spencer said slinging his bag over his shoulder ready to leave. "I hope you're right for Crystal's sake."

We boarded the plane and I sat down tired from the long hours working. "Is this seat taken?" I looked up to see Gideon standing there gesturing to the chair across from me. "No it isn't please take a seat." Gideon sat down across from me and smiled. "I want to thank you for what you've done for me...and for her." I said loudly causing everyone to turn as Crystal lay sleeping next to me. "You really did save a dying family." I stroked Crystal's hair.

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