Chapter 12

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Spencer looked horrified. "C'mon Spence you know it's true. He didn't kill me...why?" I said rolling my eyes. "He didn't kill you because he likes toying with you too much. Presumably his deteriorating mental health as a result of the team dynamics breaking down will cause his more sociopathic tendencies to take over and force him to be more irrational going after the object of his affection." Hotch said studying me a concerned look in his eyes.

A loud knock on the door brought everyone to their feet. Guns drawn they stared at the door. I was pushed behind Spencer. There was another loud knock. "Thalia, I know you're in there." A male voice said in a low and dangerous tone.  

A few seconds later the door was kicked off its hinges. Matt stood there a hand gun in hand Gina and Carlos Lasim standing behind him. Everyone had their gun drawn and Garcia was behind Morgan while Spencer stood in front of me. "Put it down Spence. You can't shoot me." Matt said mockingly. Spencer pulled the trigger and Matt dropped clutching his shoulder and dropping his gun which Gideon kicked away from the group. I rested my hand on Spencer's shoulder blade. He exhaled deeply trying to remain calm. "Well didn't see that coming." Matt said while smirking.

"Carlos, Gina do whatever it takes to kill Thalia and Spencer." They nodded. "Take another step and you're going to die." Elle stated coldly. "You can't kill me. You don't have proof that I'm guilty of anything." Carlos said smirking. "Three armed assailants have forcably entered an FBI safe house. We are cleared to use any force we find necessary to protect the individual housed here." Hotch said authoritatively. 

My eyes landed on the gun Matt had held and picked it up. "Oh Thalia please just stop trying to be a hero." Gina said smirking. "I'm surprised at how fast your nose has healed Gina." Gina scowled at me. "I wonder how long it'll take for you to kill me without your boyfriend there to protect you?" I heard a gun fire and Spencer dropped gripping his arm. I fired hitting Gina in the gutt. She dropped dead. "You bitch!" Carlos stepped forward and Elle fired twice killing him leaving Matt crouched down smirking. "You gonna shoot me too?" He mocked. "If you move? Yes." JJ growled.

I got down on my knees. "You okay?" I whispered to Spencer. He nodded and put pressure on the wound. Spencer started to rub his thumb over my knuckles and rested his head against my shoulder. "I'm trying to make him jealous. He's the unsub so he's obsessed with you." I nodded softly pecking his head. "Stop pretending you like him Thalia. It was clear from your performance at the art gallery that you two are nothing more than friends." I chuckled. "Unlike you Matt I don't lead people on. I love Spencer. He's mine and I'm his and he loves me... So where does that leave you?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him.

"With you after I kill that troublesome twat Spencer." Matt said irritated. "But you forgot one main aspect to this Matt." I said smirking. "Me." Matt sucked in breathe. "Do you love him?" I raised an eyebrow. "I don't know...what do you think guys describe our relationship." I asked the other FBI agents.

"Inseparable. You two are always together." Hotch said. "A perfect match." JJ continued. "Perfect together. " Elle said understanding the train. "Passionate towards each other." Morgan said gently tapping Garcia's stomach while keeping his other arm steady to fire if Matt moved. "They are a model to other couples." "Stop it! They are not a couple!" Matt yelled. The rage was clearly visible in his eyes. "True love." Gideon said. Matt bellowed in rage. "I don't believe it!" I leaned down and kissed Spencer passionately for good measure.

"That's it!" Matt yelled. Before anyone could respond Matt lunged tackling Spencer and throwing me back against the cabinets. He was hitting Spencer repeatedly. "Get off him!" I lunged at Matt only for him to kick me back hitting my head against the wall. I stood up gripping the fallen gun and without hesitation I emptied the gun. I kept pulling the trigger even after it was empty. JJ walked over to me holding her hand out and resting it on the gun lowering it. "Thalia look at me." I didn't answer staring at Spence as Morgan helped him sit up. "Thalia!" I turned to look at her. "It's over." I don't know when I started crying but at some point tears started to wet the shirt I was wearing. JJ started to step away from me and I stumbled. "Thalia?" My head was throbbing. I put my hand on the back of my head feeling something wet. "What?" Red covered my hand. "MEDIC!" 

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