Chapter 13

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"You don't know who we are?" I asked my heart breaking. "No. You seem so familiar but....I don't know your names or how I know you." She said. "I'm sorry." I glanced at her confused. "You all must've known me very well for you all to come yet I can't even remember you." She said bowing her head. 

"It's fine Lia. It's not your fault." I said sitting back in the chair. "Why do you call me Lia?" I looked up at her unsure. "Everyone else seems to call me Thalia so why do you call me Lia?" I looked away. "We grew up together." I looked up to see her trying to concentrate. To remember but she couldn't.

"Hey just focus on getting better. We'll help you remember." Garcia said smiling. "What do you remember last?" I asked trying not to push but I had to know. "My mother. She died. I was at her funeral as a little girl. There was a little boy with me. He had long hair and glasses." I watched her. "My brother Kyle was there but my father he was glaring at me. Like he hated me for something." She seemed hurt. "Then all I remember is pain everywhere. My father hit me and...that's it." I smiled. I remember the funeral. Lia and I had stayed by the grave longer until her father forced her to leave. 

"Do you want to see her grave again?" I asked. "Reid." I held my hand up to Morgan. "Yes." A small smile formed on her lips. "Then focus on getting better for now. I'll take you when you get out." She smiled and nodded. "Okay Butters!" She gave a confused expression. "We nicknamed each other. I was butterfly but you called me butters and you were mockingbird." I whispered. She closed her eyes for a minute. "You were that boy weren't you?" I nodded and stood up.

"I need to get some air. Um I'll be back in a minute." I started to leave when I felt a hand on my wrist. "Please don't leave." I stared down into her grey orbs. She seemed scared. "You don't trust them?" She shook her head clearly uncomfortable. "Well I trust her." She pointed at Garcia. "She seems different." 

She stopped for a moment and a fearful expression crossed her face. "You're all cops? Or like FBI aren't you?" I glanced at her. "You're all carrying guns...well except her." She said nodding to Garcia. "Hey I promise we'll tell you everything but we'll come back later...Get some rest please." I said coaxing her. "Will you stay until I fall asleep?" She asked blushing lightly. "Yes he will." Elle said smiling. The others left and she lay down then gripped my arm tightly.

"Why did you want me to stay?" I asked rest my chin on our laced hands. "I trust you...I don't know why but I just do." She said her eyes starting to close.Even after Lia's breathing became regular I sat there watching her. She still had the necklace on. "She refused to let us take it off." A nurse said as I lifted up the charm on the necklace. I nodded. I got up kissed Lia's forehead and left. I walked outside. "You okay?" Hotch asked. "Yeah. I just need to make her remember by taking her to places we were together at." I said sitting down and leaning back against the wall. "Reid we have another week here to clean up this mess and finalize everything. Spend it with her. She needs you to help her remember." Gideon said. I nodded unable to speak. They left leaving me sitting there thinking over how I would help her remember. Thinking about how I'd get her back.

I woke up and felt sad to see that the handsome man from earlier was gone. For the first time in the past few days I didn't have nightmares but the image of that man's face replayed in my head. I sat up only to see that he lay fast asleep on the couch at the far end of the room. "He didn't want to leave honey. This guy must really care about you." I smiled softly. "Do you remember his name?" I shook my head. "Well he wanted me to give you these when you woke up." 

The nurse said handing files to me. "Thank you." I picked up the first file. I opened it to see the face of one of the people who came to see me. I read it then the next then the next. I went through the files until I got to the last two. I picked up the file and opened it to see the man. "Spencer Reid." I whispered and smiled. I liked his name. I slowly read his file taking in everything about him. I finished and closed the file tears in my eyes. He had been through so much. His father left him, his mother had mental problems, he was an only child, he was bullied through school and finally he was a boy genius.

I glanced curiously at the last file. I picked it up and opened it to see a young girl's face. "C-Crystal?" How did I know her? "She's your neice." I jumped dropping the file. Spencer was sitting up on the bed smiling sheepishly at me his hair slightly messy. 

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He stood up and walked over to me. I felt my entire body relax as her drew nearer to me. He made me feel safe but I didn't know why. "Here." Spencer handed me the file. "I think you should read it." I nodded and read through it taking my time to learn everything about her. I closed the file and looked at him.

"She's an orphan. Why? Did....did Kyle die?" He nodded sadly. "When?" He exhaled deeply. "Lia I..." "Spencer...please." I felt tears form in my eyes. My brother was my guardian angel how could he be dead. "Alright. But you have to stop and just listen. No interruptions okay?" His voice was soft and gentle. 

"I work for the Behavioural Analysis Unit so I profile killers. We got a case where two women with brown hair and who were both dancers were killed in Las Vegas. My old home town. You came home one night after dance rehearsal to find three dozen roses on your door step. You said you had been getting a dozen roses every week for the past month. You said your niece was exhausted and asleep on the couch you wrapped her in a blanket then you heard a knock at the door. Your brother had gotten addicted to alcohol after your father died eight years before and used to abuse you. You opened the door and your brother fell forward dead. There was a note saying YOU OWE ME on it."

He looked at me as tears rolled down my cheeks. "I'm alone." I whispered. "All I have is Crystal." Spencer searched my face then hugged me. I wrapped my arms around him and sobbed until I couldn't cry any more. " long ago was that?" I asked calming myself down. "Two weeks." He said gripping my hand softly. "Tell me what else happened Spence....please....I want to know." I whispered. "I'll tell you after you eat." He said gesturing towards the tray of food that was wheeled in. I sighed and nodded. Spencer used his thumb to wipe away my tears. He got up and kissed my forehead. "Um" He blushed. I laughed lightly. The nurse smiled. "You're adorable when you're nervous." Spencer's blush darkened.

I ate hungrily and then set the tray aside sitting up on my own. "Seems as if someone's getting better a lot faster." The nurse said. I smiled as I felt a slight blush on my cheeks. "Well I'll let the doctors know that you're improving quickly with this young man around. They might let him stay." I smiled. "Thank you! You've been so kind to me." The nurse smiled. "I'm Carla sugar." "Thalia." I closed my eyes. Carla. An image flashed before my eyes. My back was against someone's chest as I lay on a bed. I saw the gun pointed at the women. I attacked her. She stumbled away. "Carla may have to die!" I turned. I was sharing a bed with Spencer! "Did we...did we used to share a bed?" I asked Spencer after the nurse left. "Um yeah." He rubbed the back of his head.

"You wanted to know about the two weeks?" I nodded swinging my legs off the bed. "Lia!" I stepped down and stumbled slightly before I caught my balance on Spencer. I locked eyes with him. "You have beautiful eyes." I whispered softly brushing a strand of hair out of his face. He nodded sitting me down on the couch. "After you're brother died you went to the police and let your best friend Terra take care of Crystal. That's where you and I met again. We took you to a safe house where you and I lived for a few days until Crystal ran into the house one night saying Terra was dead." I gasped. "You and I went on to make the stalker follow me since we believed you were being stalked by someone. We kissed while we were dancing and one of your friends at dance shot at us so I took the bullet and you were kidnapped. Damon the man who held you captive used you as a slave and whipped you then he...he raped you." Spencer's eyes went black.

I placed a hand on his. He relaxed a little. "You knew Damon because he was a senior at your second high school who along with a few others....." I gently stroked his hand trying to calm him down. "They raped you and carved the word loser into your back." I froze. "We got to you in time but you went to hospital because you got slash across your stomach. When you got back home finally we all threw you a party and you and I had a candle light dinner together." He smiled fondly. 

"But we decided to go for a swim and a guy who impersonated me knocked me out and taped me up. You found me taped up and set me free. The man got away though. We found out eventually that it was Matt Griffen who was your stalker after Gina an old bully tried to break into the house. He attacked the cabin in the woods we moved you to and we killed Gina and his other apprentice but...Matt attacked me and you tried to stop him and...He threw you head first into the wall." He started to cry. 

"'s not your fault." I said gently rubbing his back. He looked at me and he smiled softly. "Please....can you sing for me?" I nodded and started to sing. I don't know how I knew the song but I just sang and it started to come back.

Make It Personal (Spencer Reid Fanfiction) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now