Ch. 8: The shower

Start from the beginning

The way his brown orbs flushed my inner being with a pleasant, safe calmness, was nothing but astonishing. It felt like a sedative that didn't numb you, nor made you dull, but instead, sharpened you and gave you an odd, peaceful control, and the ability to breathe properly again.

"But right now, I believe we have a wedding night ahead of us, haven't we?"

His flirtatious smile made me blush pink like a peach, and a pang of anticipation shot out from my core and out to my extremities.

"But we..." I started, thinking about where we could go. Guatemala? Cuba? Colombia? Peru?

"What day is it?"

"Friday, I think. But..."

"That's great! Then we have the whole weekend to get a long leap ahead. I don't think the church will send the registration papers until Monday morning."

"Maybe, but..."

He pulled me in for a kiss that made my knees buckle, and I moaned both in surprise and vaguely growing desire.

"Take me to our place," he said with eyes of excitement, and took the bag that I was carrying, with the wedding dress and some other clothes and stuff we had bought, and started to walk ahead of me.

"But we don't have any place anymore. It was Mr. Jackson who... He... Uhm. Nevermind. Let's go back to the B&B we stayed last night."

"Did they have good mattresses?"

I didn't see his face, but I could literally hear the smirk he had on his face as he signed for a cab.

"Better than the crap hole we were living at before."

"Good," he hummed, and slapped my behind as I stepped into the car, making me scowl at him, a little uncertain if he was Mr. Jackson or Michael.

Provoke him, Gail. If it's Mr. Jackson, he will threaten you before you can blink. Hey! What are you saying?! You can't willingly poke the bear?! Are you out of your goddamn mind? Uhm... Yeah, you are. Such a silly question.

So, as soon as he jumped into the seat next to me, and put the bags down on the floor of the cab between his feet, I hurriedly cupped his cheeks and planted a long, soft kiss on his lips. I deepened it, and let my hands travel down South, over his chest and abs, and straight to his manhood. And his hoarse groan escaped between our lips. I smirked a little, and continued to stroke his bulge.

"Oh God, baby... W-we s-should..."

Then he groaned again, because I stopped. I had gotten my answer, and it was all Michael, - the love of my life. But I barely managed to give the address to the driver, before Michael pulled me back, and our lips crashed together again. A slow waltz, with succulent flesh pulling and pushing in the most perfect way, and I gasped as I felt all seven seas gathered down there.

But then Michael broke it off.

"How much money have we got? Are we still broke?" he said lowly, to avoid the man in the front seat to hear. I shook my head, and tried to get my head straight.

"Not completely. We spent some today, but we still have a little left. And if you think it's safe enough, we can always sell more of those microwaves tomorrow."

He wrinkled his forehead.


I giggled and rolled my eyes slightly.

"Yeah. Mr. Jackson thought it was smart to steal a truck, which turned out to be loaded with microwaves. So we've kind of... You know, been knocking on doors to sell them."

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