19: Forgiveness

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Taehyung broke into the impressive hall where the monarch of Euphoria presided over his official. Sitting comfortably on his magnificent throne Taejong rested his head on his palm with his legs crossed, his eyes following the angry male stomping his way in front of him. Two of the loyal knights of the royal guard, Kim Jongin and Kim Jun Myeon blocked their crown prince from approaching their king by crossing their spears in front of him. Knowing too well the reason behind his son's anger, a sinister smile crept on Taejong's face seeing while the younger male glared at him with resentful eyes.

"Welcome my son! Welcome" He outstretched his arms towards his son and stood up from his throne.

The moment Taejong arrived from the battlefield, the news of his son killing the crown prince of Pyracea was relayed to him by his loyal subjects therefore he was frolicking in immense happiness. Finally, after decades of planning and plotting, he had successfully crippled the enemy nation and now the victory was just around the corner

"Welcome home after your glorifying victory" Taehyung scoffed sarcastically at his father's remark, a feeling of bitterness ready to explode from his mouth in the form of words.

"We were all waiting for your presence to celebrate" Taejong stated signaling his Knights to move which they did after bowing to the King.

"You lied to me" Taehyung was still glaring at him in disgust resisting the urge to slap the smile off his father's face.

"You promised me you would spare her, you promised to let us go if I killed the prince." his voice rose a note with every word. A malicious chuckle from the king filled the room as he took his throne

"You actually believed I would let that Pyracea slut ruin the future of Euphoria" he wiped the tears formed in the corner of his eyes due to excessive laughing using his forefinger. Taehyung balled his fist tightly until his knuckles turned white not being able to hear his father insulting his lover.

"You actually believed that I would let that bitch  live after brainwashing you" Taejong added.

"Shut up, Shut the fuck up" Taehyung was now shaking as anger boiled deep in his system, as hot as lava unable to bear his lover being humiliated.

"You out of all have no right to talk nonsense about her," Taejong raised his eyebrows at his son's statement.

"The Man who killed her mother just because she decided to leave your jealous ass for another man" All the ministers, guards, and knights present gasped and soon the sound of whispering started to fill the throne room. It was a known truth where the hatred of their king was rooted however not a soul dared to blurt the facts since mentioning about meant asking for death sentences.

"Silence!!" Taejong banged his fist on the arm of his divan and jolted up fuming in rage. At once, the crowd went quiet and the only sound that could be heard was him breathing heavily in fury.

"Kimeron Taehyung, do you realize who you are talking to?" the King growled offended by the amount of disrespect his son had shown to him.

"I am well aware of that. I'm talking to a King who doesn't know how to keep his word and only knows how to play foul" Taehyung gave his father a vicious smile and turned around to walk away. People were gawking at their prince's courage to come in front and shame the almighty king of Euphoria and then walk out without a hint of fear.

"And seems like my son was blessed with the same qualities as mine" The King's words made Taehyung halt his steps in his tracks.

The image of him swinging his swords at the little boy and Tiara's painful screams along with all the promises he made to Tiara, repeated in his mind. The guilt struck him, and his legs trembled, unable to handle the burden of death that he had brought to himself. Taehyung traipsed out of the room without responding to his father but the betrayal wouldn't be forgiven. 

Storming inside his personal quarter, Taehyung packed his belonging while he internally struggled not to break down crying. The scene of Tiara wailing hysterically holding the little boy was playing on his head on a loop torturing him to the brink of insanity. He was cursing himself for believing in his father's lies and agreeing to go on with the evil man's plan.

Tiara's real identity was compromised the moment Taehyung saw wounds made by Damascus metal. The fact the wounds were exactly on the places where he struck his mortal enemy Titania added more suspicions. His doubt was soon confirmed by his father since Tiara was the spitting image of her mother. The King immediately realized her true identity as the daughter of the woman who betrayed him and ran away with the Pyracea's king.

As a crown prince of Euphoria, Taehyung was compelled to choose between his nation and the love he bore for the girl, and in the end, he came to an agreement with his father to spare her if he would kill the crown prince.

Life for life, his father made it pretty clear and Taehung was forced to make a cruel decision for her sake. The bracelet Taehung gifted to Tiara was tampered with magic and led them to Pyracea. He exploited her trust and used her like a sword to destroy her loved ones.

Kimeron Seokjin, his uncle entered the prince's chamber with a puzzled expression trying to perceive what was happening.

"What are you doing Taehyung?' he voiced out his thoughts aloud.

"I'm not staying here even for a second, I'm going to Spring" he replied in a monotonous tone.

"What do you mean by that?" Seokjin stopped the prince by holding his shoulder.

"I'm leaving Euphoria, I will live with Tiaea somewhere far" He yanked his uncle's hand and dashed past him.

"Are you crazy? Do you think she will come with you let alone even look at you after you killed her brother and betrayed her?" Seokjin was looking at his nephew as though he was on some kind of drugs.

"She will"

"She promised to love me no matter what, she promised to be with me and if I can forgive her for the death of my brother then she must do the same" Taehyung breathing was getting heavier after his outburst.

"She will have to come no...no she will come to spring after that I will apologize to her, beg her for forgiveness on my knee then she will forgive me..." he was rambling nonsense ignoring his uncle and continuing packing.

"Then we will go somewhere far where no one will find us ... live a happy life there..." Emotional pain flowed out of his eyes.

"She will have to come... I need her, I don't want to live without her" He turned his head to his uncle who was watching him with pity in his eyes. His heart sank in helplessness watching his nephew breaking down gradually.

"I love her so much despite everything I love her so much...Why did I take that oath?" his breathing hitched as his knees grew weak and he slumped to the cold tiles on the floor.

"Why did I have to take such an oath? if only I could go back and change it! Tiara must hate me so much...I broke her...she must hate me" he cried, drowning himself in the hell he brought upon himself.


There might be mistakes and I want to apologize for that. If you find any errors please comment and inform me.

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