I looked at her with weak smile, "You didn't know, it's fine. Listen, I need you to find Johnny and tell him‒"

"No. You're gonna make it, Alex." I had started to close my eyes. She shook me. "Alex, listen to me, You wanna know why we came after you, because you were different, me and Number 1 thought we could get out with you/"

"How so?"

She looked at me, "I don't know, just one of those feelings." I looked up at the dark ceiling, I could hear Emma trying to keep me awake by talking to me, everything went silent.

I know I'm alive, I can still feel the sting of my eye, and the throbbing of my stomach. There was a ringing in my ears that was slowly getting louder, until it started forming words.

"Alex!" My eyes slowly opened. There standing above me was a blurry Emma, with a look of relief on her face.

"Emma." I mumbled.

"Shh." she responded to me putting a finger to her mouth. "Your hero arrived." She said grinning.

I looked at her with confusion, "What?"

"Number 1 showed up a few seconds after you passed out." She said, "Apparently, she had heard me screaming through the vent, I guess she took a wrong turn, she came back as soon as she could."

I turned my head and saw Number 1 sitting beside me, she was wrapping her ankle. I looked up and saw the equipment they had hooked me up to, "Whoa, how did she get all this?" Emma looked up at everything and shrugged. I guess she didn't know either.

I survived everything. I can't believe it. I started crying, Emma looked at me "Are you in pain?"

I shook my head, "I'm just so worried about Johnny," She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. She just looked down.

I had fallen asleep, when I woke up Emma asked me if I was okay.

"Well I've been better."

"Okay." We sat there for a while in silence again. Emma finally spoke up, "Well, I think we need to start looking again."

I looked up at her "Looking?"

"Yes, for Johnny and a way to escape,"

Number 1 stood up and shook her head no.

"I agree, I can barely stand."

"Uh, correction you can't stand." Emma blurted out. "But, if we don't we could be too late to save Johnny!"

I looked down at her comment, I knew we had to go but I'm just too weak. My face turned from a look of pain to a look of anger, "We have to go. The longer we stay here the longer Johnny has to wait!" I tried getting up but failed... miserably.

Emma rushed to me. "You were right, you're too weak."

My face turned pale, I almost threw up. I got extremely dizzy, my body felt heavy. I felt as if my eyes were going to explode out of my head. I had to sit back down. My wound was still sore, and sensitive. It must've been hours later when I woke up to the sound of cries and screams. Emma and Number 1 must have heard too because they were awake now. So I wasn't hallucinating.

Emma stood up, "Is that...." It hit me, "Johnny!" I shot up racing to the sound. Emma raced in front of me, looking down, the sound of a saw made me furious, I tried pushing past her but stood no chance.

She still looked down, "I'm sorry." My eyes widened.

"There's nothing we can do!" She yelled tears rolled down her face, "No matter how many times I have heard that sound, I always seem to cry." She said.

"Well of course!" I yelled, she looked up at me, "They're human! Like us, you probably met them and became friends. They are still human, and so is Johnny! So move!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. The saw stopped. They must have heard me.

The feeling was indescribable. I heard them talking through the walls. I knew we were in trouble. I'm such an idiot! They had apparently stacked everything they could against the door because when the aliens tried getting in they couldn't. Number 1 motioned to Emma to go the vent. Emma pulled me to it. They both helped me up, Number 1 followed me up.

As Emma was pulling herself in, with Number 1 helping, the barrier broke. We got Emma in, but they saw her go in. They fought, and fought, and fought, trying to keep the vent closed. I wanted to help but Emma said I wasn't strong enough.

"Every hand will count!" She finally let me help. We won but only by kicking their faces in. We only had a few seconds so we went, as fast as possible, taking turns whenever so they couldn't track us. We crawled for a while until I couldn't go anymore, we took a breather.

Emma looked up after catching her breath, "Where are we?" Number 1 looked ahead and saw somewhere we could get out, but she had to check first, she looked at us and nodded her head that it was clear.

She slowly crawled out, motioning for us to stop before we came down, I wasn't going to even talk. She then again motioned it was safe, we both crawled out collapsing with exhaustion. Only with a few seconds to spare, Number 1 got up and checked the room, it was again dark, why is every room dark?

She went to the wall feeling for a door or a light switch. Apparently she found one because I found myself face to face with a dead guy!

I jumped back, bumping Emma into another dead person. We both just fell to the ground. They were hanging from the ceiling by hooks. We heard footsteps, Number 1 turned off the lights and we rushed away from the door running into more corpses. The door opened and it sounded like maybe two of them were dragging something. They flipped on the lights, but we were hid behind the line of bodies.

I heard the sound of chains. The footsteps stopped, the lights went out, and the door shut. Before I can talk, Emma put her hand on my mouth, we waited, just in case. She finally let go, and sighed, "That was close."

We came out of our corner, putting our hands out in front to protect our faces from the dead. Number 1 found the door again along with the light, when the light turned on there was blood on the ground from whoever they dragged in. I turned around and followed the blood. When I found the body, I looked up and gasped.

I wanted to cry, but I couldn't breathe. My eyes widened, my breathing stopped, my heart pounded in my chest. I couldn't believe it, I didn't want to believe it. Tears streamed down my face, I couldn't hold them back no matter how hard I tried. My jaw dropped and nothing came out. I fell to my knees. Once I wasn't blocking the view I heard Emma gasp.

Hanging on the hook was my best friend, the one who was always there for me. The only person who stayed by my side during my mom's death. The only person I told my secrets to. The one person that has been there all my 19 years. Johnny. Johnny hung in front of all six eyes, bleeding to death, his stomach was cut open. His eyes barely open, with a blank look of death. His body motionless, his jaw slightly ajar, blood dripped from his lips. Emma and Number 1 let me be as I sat on the floor weeping.

DelusionalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon