Pool Day

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Today I get to go to the pool! I told my dad I was going to go somewhere and he said okay. John is still dating Mistie I'm surprised it has been a week. I got a new backpack the other day so I'm going to put my bathing suit in there with a towel and clothing. I put on my new backpack, got on my bike, and went to Alice's house. It took me about 5 minutes to get to Alice's house. When I got there Alice was still getting ready. We got into Alice's mom's car and we drove to the loco pool. There was still a week or two before school started so it wasn't that cold yet. In the car, I yelled, "CRAP I FORGOT SUNSCREEN!" Alice said, "DUDE CHILL ITS ALRIGHT MY MOM HAS SOME." On the way to the pool, I had my earbuds in. I was listening to NF's song "10 feet down". I almost started screaming the lyrics but didn't want to sing in front of Alice and her mom. I could only listen to 4 songs before we were there.

Mat: OOF its 100 degrees

Alice: I KNOW RIGHT at least we can dive into the pool

Mat: Yeah and the water is cold and only a few people are here no one is in the diving pool!

Alice: Yeah but I'm not going to dive this time my mom got mad at me last time

Mat: Aw man that sucks

Me and Alices dad went into the boy's locker room to change into our bathing suits while Alice and her mom went into the girl's locker room to change. When we all came out Alice gave me some sunscreen to put on my legs because I was wearing a swim shirt with long sleeves. I was walking to the diving pool and Alice followed me. I dove into the pool and Alice just walked in. Alices parents were observing everything that was going on. Like even when we were trying to talk about things that we didn't want her parents to know. Her mom would always be like what the hell are you talking about. When Alices mom asked that I would stay quiet and let her talk. I didn't want to say the wrong thing. I did that once and it turned out bad. I and Alice were just chilling in the pool because her mom didn't want to come in. I and Alice raced each other.

Mat: I bet I can get to the other side first

Alice: Oh no you can't

Mat: Watch me Ready Set Go!

I and Alice were swimming as fast as possible and holy crap she got there first!


Mat: Well um, I let you win ha.

Alice: Yeah right

An hour later Alice's parents told us to change into our clothes so we could all get home early. I decided to eat at Alice's house. We ate a chicken pot pie. MAN, THAT WAS SO GOOD. No joke if you were friends with Alice and ate at her house you would love it, man, it's so good. Anyways that's it diary Ill see you in a few days. 9/12/18

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