Stalking Part 1

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*gets out camera and presses record* HI PEOPLEZ! Today I'll be stalking Alice and if she finds me I'll die. *pauses recording*

Wait a minute.. why am I going to make a video on this. I have to walk 10 mins to get to her house. THATS A LONG TIME OF WALKING! I'm really lazy to soo uh lemme call her.

Mat: *calls Alice* *yells into phone* ANSWER NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Alice: *picks up phone* holy- MY EARS OW
Mat: oh hi Alice
Alice: hi dude what u want
Mat: can you drive me to the stop and shop by your house I'm lazy to move rn
Alice: lemme ask my mom brb
Mat: ight *waits 5 mins* COME BACK
Mat: good

*gets camera turns it on and hides it* *gets into Alice's car* hey guys Alice is going to pick me up and drop me off at the supermarket next to her street. I will update you guys when I get to stop and shop.

12 minutes later

I'm at stop and shop now guys. I'm waiting for Alice's mother to leave so I can go walk to their home. Imma buy gum just in case I see someone from their fam. Dang it Alice and her mom just walked into CVS! Wait I have a plan heheh. I can walk to Alice's house without anyone knowing!

2 minutes later

Ok I'm here now and I don't think anyone is home. *opens Alice's window and goes into house* oh my gosh it's a mess in here. What is the point of all these gloves and shoes. You can live with one pair of shoes gosh. Imma leave gum in some places of the house so they get confused hehe. *puts gum under computer and under pillow* Alices computer is open so imma close it. Teehee she will never notice. Lemme add more things now. *puts chocolate under covers, in bathroom, and on floor* I hope she has a great reaction. *hides camera* Oh crap! Their pulling into the driveway!

Too be continued...

Mat and Alice random stories Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang