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*gets text from Alice*
Hey Mat... I'm sorry I haven't texted you in a few days. Flim, my dog just passed away and I'm really upset about it.

Mat: Oh my god Alice I'm so sorry if you need to talk about it we can
Alice: I think I will be okay thanks though

Wow I can't believe Flim died. Flim was 6 months old and he had to live outside because Alice's mom and dad are allergic to dogs. Alice took care of Flim everyday. When Alice came home from school she feed him and gave him water and played with him a lot. Alice almost broke her spine when she was walking home and some guy beat her up. Alice went to the hospital and Flim was there with her and it made her feel a lot better. Flim was like a emotional support dog. Rest In Peace Flim.

Mat:* knocks on Alice's door*
Alice's mom: Hey Mat what you doing here?
Mat: I wanted to see Alice is she home?
Alice's mom: yeah she is in her room
Mat: Okay thanks

Mat: Hey Alice
Mat: I wanted to see if you were ok and if you wanted to make a grave stone.
Alice: Oh and yeah can we make him a grave?
Mat: Yeah I picked up some stuff at the dollar store.
Alice: Ok we need a tarp so I don't get anything dirty.
Mat: Crap I don't have one let me run to he store real quick
Alice: Ok I'll set up the stuff
Mat: Alice I'm back. Let's make the grave outside
Alice: Ok

1 hour later

Mat: DONE now we let it sit out and dry. It's getting late and I have to pick up some dinner for my dad I'll come over tomorrow morning bye Alice
Alice: Cya Mat

Mat and Alice random stories حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن