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Hello it is me Mat. Today I will be telling you guys about me and Alice.

I was born on November 19 and Alice was born on December 19th 2005. We are both 12 years old. We met when we were 1 month old. I was at the park and so was Alice. Both of our moms started to talk to each other. Then it started pouring VERY LOUD. My mom gave Alice's mom her number and told them to come over one day. 5 months later my mom finally went to there house. I don't remember what happened but my mom told me we played and farted a lot. But when I was 4... everything changed. My mom *sniffles* died. I couldn't understand. But I think I'm sort of okay. I live with my dad and he is you know a dad. ANYWAYS, Alice is taller than me sadly.

My dad hates Alice. He says if you ever bring her over your going to be punished. I don't understand why. That's why I sneak out to go to her house but my dad isn't really ever home so he doesn't know. Me and Alice live in New York very close to Canada. Every year I ask my dad if I can go see "my cousin" in Canada. I made up those "cousins" so I can go with Alice and her family.

The last thing about me you guys should know is Alice's parents. They are so over protective they won't even let her go on online things not even animal jam like seriously. She can only go on Minecraft if she went on Skype, animal jam, messenger, she would be grounded for a very very long time. That's why when we go to the park I bring her where her parents can't see us and we go on teen chat. Also Alice never curses. If she ever did her parents would find out and literally kill her. Alice always wanted to curse but is way to scare to. Sometimes she curses A LOT in her head. But she has never said it out loud not even to her friends. On the other hand I curse a lot. I only curse at home or with Alice when her parents aren't watching.

There you found out some things about me and Alice have a good day my friends.


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