Hate or friendship?

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Mat: *calls Alice*
Alice: *answers* hello?
Mat: Hey Alice I'm really really sorry for breaking your camera can we be friends again?
Alice: Yeah dude it's ok want to come over?
Mat: Sure I'm on my way
Alice: hasta luego


Alice: COMING *opens door* hey Mat wanna play some Minecraft
Mat: yeah go on your roller coaster world
Alice: ok I'm on join the game
Mat: I'm on also let make a roller coaster right here in this open area
Alice: ok it should be under water
Mat: eh but we already have one underwater
Alice: Okay how about on that goes on a mountain?
Mat: that would look ugly
Alice: well what do you want to do with it!
Mat: um I don't want to make a roller coaster I just need the bathroom
Alice: ugh fine go to the bathroom

Mat: *walks into bathroom* GOOD A WINDOW IS IN HERE man I hate Alice she is so annoying asking me what roller coaster I want to make ugh unbelievable I'm jumping out this window and leaving. To be honest I don't care if I leave my computer there I always have a back up at home.

TIME SKIP 40 minutes

Alice:*knocks on bathroom door* Um Mat are you ok? You have been in there a while. Hello?
Mat??? HELLO? That's it I'm coming in. *gets key to bathroom and unlocks door* WHERE IS MAT UGH I HATE HIM

Mat: *leaves voice mail for Alice* So sorry I had a family emergency I had to leave I'm sorry.
Alice: *texts Mat* Oh it's ok I hope everyone is ok.
Mat: Everyone is ok



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