"Pushing yourself too much is not a good thing", he said arms crossed.

"I brought this to myself, Master", Freed said. "So now I should face the consequences."

"Just go home, baby", Bicks smiled. "We all need some rest today."

Freed sighed. Guess he could as well go home now since they gave their report and it sounded like they were not going to go through what new was on the mission board.

"Fine then, if you really don't need me today", he said.

"Just rest, okay?" Bickslow said. "I will return back to my training tomorrow."

"I will do the same", Ever smiled. "You should do the same with Laxus and finally decide what to perform."

"Laxus, could you stay for a moment?" Makarov said when they were about to leave. "There's something I need to talk with you."

"Okay. See you at home", Laxus said and kissed Freed's cheek, making him blush.

"Y-yes", greenette smiled and he followed Bickslow and Ever to the hallway.

They arrived at the bar and there were already some guild members drinking. Ever and Bickslow both ordered some food but Freed didn't feel himself that hungry yet.

"I should go then", he said. "Tell Laxus that I went in to our house."

"Why there?" Ever asked confused.

"I miss my books", Freed chuckled.

"Geez, you just caused yourself a huge headache because of reading and now you wanna read more?" Bickslow said. "Sometimes I just don't get you at all."

"I enjoy reading", Freed smiled. "I have already read every single book Laxus owns so I really need something new, I have at least ten books in my room that I haven't yet even touched since I bought them."

"We'll tell Laxus", Ever promised. "He might then just follow you into our house."

"That's okay", Freed smiled. "It doesn't matter where we are if we just can be together."

"Well, I'm going to see Elfman and might spend my night with him so at least I don't need to hear what you two do in your room", Ever chuckled.

"And I will find Cana", Bicks smirked. "So seems like you two can have the house all by yourselves tonight."

"That sounds nice", Freed smirked, waved his hand and started his journey towards their house.

On his way he stopped at the shop where he could get some medicine and he also bought more tea. He would take the medicine, maybe rest a little while, take one of his new books and curl up on the couch reading. Yes, that sounded like a perfect plan.

The rune mage approached their house and stopped when he saw a familiar figure standing in front of their door ringing their doorbell.

"Good afternoon, Juvia", he greeted smiling, making the blue haired water mage turn around.

"Freed", she smiled. "Good afternoon to you too. Juvia was hoping Freed would be home."

"We just arrived from our mission and went to give our report to the Guild", Freed explained. "You were on a long mission with others."

"Yes, but it was all worth it", Juvia beamed happily. "It was a lot of hard work but we also had a great time!"

"I'm glad to hear that", Freed chuckled.

"Juvia wanted to come tell Freed all about it! Oh, and Juvia heard that Freed also has something something going on with Laxus", Juvia smirked mischievously elbowing him playfully in the ribs, making Freed laugh.

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