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Namjoon's Pov

"Wear this!" Hoseok screamed as he threw some clothes at me.

Taehyung grabbed the clothes. "Umm, Hobi, you dumb bitch. This is ain't in season anymore. Sit down and let Fashionista Taetae do this, okay?"

Hoseok grumbles before sitting on the bed next to me as Taehyung went through all my clothes.

After a few minutes of searching, he finally found something suitable for me to wear. (Without the hat thingy and the glasses)

"Ooh, so handsome," Hoseok complimented as he saw my outfit

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"Ooh, so handsome," Hoseok complimented as he saw my outfit.

I smiled at him. "Thanks."

I looked in the mirror and began fixing my hair a little bit, adding gel so it would stay in place.

"Hyung?" Tae called.

"Hmm," I replied.

"Are you picking Manager Jin up or are you meeting him there?" He asked.

"Picking him up," I replied to which Taehyung just nodded.

After a few more touch ups, I waved goodbye at the two, who were still in my house by the way, and went off to pick up Jin.

Jin's Pov


Jimin shot me a look of annoyance before continuing to scrummage through my cupboard.

"How about this?" He suggested as he took out an outfit.

I looked at it. "Nope, there's no colour. Black and white is boring."

Jimin groaned and continued to look through my cupboard. "Hyung, you might want to help too," he told me.

I nodded and also began to look in my cupboard, well the other one anyway. I pulled out something that might look good. "Jiminnie, Yoongi, what about this?"

Jimin turned around and looked at what I was holding. Yoongi looked up from his phone as he sat on my bed, not really helping.



They both glared at each other. "Are you an idiot, Yoongi? Pink and orange do not go together, one of the worst possible colour combinations!" He screamed at Yoongi.

"I think it's good. It is unique and portrays Jin's personality perfectly!" Yoongi barked back.

I sighed at the couple.

"Oh my god, Yoongi. No one goes on a first date and be's themselves. You wait until at least the fourth date for that!!" Jimin screamed back.

"I'm guessing that's what you did when I asked you out!" He screamed back, completely steering away from the actual topic.

"Yes, I did, I was afraid to wouldn't have liked me," Jimin screeched at him.

"Well, I do like you," Yoongi told him with a raised voice.

"And I love you," Jimin screamed at him.

They both became quiet, their voices drained as they breathed deeply. "Stop shoving your perfect relationship in my face," I mumbled as I continued to look for clothes. They make even an argument into something cheesy.

"Jimin," Yoongi suddenly stated.

"Hmm," he replied as he looked at him.

"Remember that outfit your mother bought but you turned out to be a lot smaller than she thought you would be and now it sits in your cupboard mocking you about your height," Yoongi told him.

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Was that necessary? Anyway, so.."

Yoongi smiled. "Wouldn't it fit Jin? It also would suit him and his personality well."

Jimin gasped," You are a genius, Min Suga, I know why I love you."

"I love you too, Jiminnie," Yoongi replied, sending a huge gummy smile his way.

"Uuuuggghhhh," I groaned. "Ssttoooooppp beeeiiinnngg soooo chhheesssyy!"

They both laughed before Jimin grabbed my arm and dragged me towards his and Yoongi's apartment.

"Here it is," Jimin said as he put it in from of me.

It was a normal fancy outfit but oh my freaking god, it was perfect.

"Me and your mother, Jimin, need to go shopping one day," I tell him as I admire the clothing.

Jimin giggled. "I can give you her number. She's a little upset I'm not that kind of gay. She owns that place down the street too," he tells me.

I gasp. "The little fancy place that has the cutest socks and hoodies and has a very hard name to pronounce?"

"Yupp," he replied.

I squealed out loud. "I've been your friend for more years than I can count on my fingers and I never knew that."

Jimin just shrugged.

"Take it and go change, we need to see how you look," Yoongi said as he pushed me into the bathroom.

I quickly changed into the pretty clothing and admired myself in the mirror. It was really nice and did suit me quite a bit. I think Namjoon would love it.

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