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Jin's Pov

I leave the restaurant after making sure to lock it up. I happily skip home, on my way calling Yoongi and asking whether I can go over and just downright fangirl.

"Hi, Yoongi," I start.

"Hey, Jin hyung," he responded in a happy tone.

I lightly smiled at his happiness. "Can I come over, or you and Jimin can come over, whichever, because I'm way too happy today and I don't wanna be alone," I asked.

"Hmm," Yoongi replied. "Sure, why not. Me and Jiminnie will come over to your place, we'll be there by the time you come home," he told me.

"Okay," I say brightly. "See ya there Yoongs dawg."

Yoongi laughed a little before saying bye also and hanging up.

I continued on my way home, humming a happy tune under my breath.

"I'm home," I sang as I flung open the door.

"Parents home," Jimin sang accompanied with Yoongi's laughter.

After spending time with Jimin, Yoongi was noticeably happier. He smiled a lot more and that gummy smile of his comes out constantly. His eyes shine brightly and seemed to hold a lot more positivity. Yoongi's whole complexion was a lot lighter. He just seemed better.

I laughed at the two before walking into the kitchen and saw them sitting at the table. "What do you wanna eat?"

"NOODLES!!" They both screamed in unison. I giggled at their cuteness and took out the ingredients.

After making lunch for the 3 of us, we all sat down and ate together.

"When did you guys move in together. You've been together for like a week," I ask, pointing my chopsticks at the two before beginning to eat.

They both look at each other.

"Yoongi, Jimin," I prolong threateningly.

"I'm sorry, Jinnie," Jimin hurriedly said as he looked down. "We were together like 2 years ago for a year or so before we broke it and kept it as flings. We would have told you but at that time you didn't like Yoongi much."

Yoongi gasped. "You didn't like me??"

I shrugged. "That makes sense, and yes, Yoongi. I hated you. You broke Jiminnie's little precious heart a few times."

"I said I'm sorry," Yoongi whined. "Jimin, tell him I apologised!"

"He's sorry, very sorry," Jimin told me.

"And how did he apologise to my dear child," I asked, picking at my food and staring at Jimin.

Jimin squealed as Yoongi groaned as he hit his head against the table.

"Don't do that, you're going to get a headache, sweetie," Jimin said sweetly as he put a hand on the table so Yoongi's head hit his soft hand. Awh.

"Anyway, Jin hyung," Jimin excitedly squealed in my direction as Yoongi's head continued hitting Jimin's hand. "After the whole flip flop fiasco -" he started before I cut him off.

"Flip flop fiasco?" I questioned.

Jimin waved it off with his other hand. "Long story, it's actually really short. If you wanna know just go to the chapter after chapter 10," he told me.

I nodded. "Noted. I'll read it later. Continue."

"Well, he took me to this really fancy restaurant, booked it and everything and gave this really cheesy and unyoongi speech and it almost made me cry. I legit had tears in my eyes and then he asked me to be his boyfriend and said he'll treat me right ajsamjsksksk, it was sooooo adorable!! He said something about moving in because he wanted to wake up to me and I swear to God, Jesus, Allah, Bhuda and what ever Jews call their God, that I died of cuteness!!!" Jimin excitedly told me as Yoongi stopped hitting his head and hid his face in his hands.

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