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Jin's Pov

Well done Jin! First you walk in on him changing and then he catches you staring at his lips. Be more subtle next time!

But still, I really wanted to kiss him. He didn't know how much biting his lip turned me on.

"Umm, Joonie... I'm sorry about before. I left my thingy over there yesterday when I was locking everything up and I forgot it there and I didn't know you were going to be there. I'm really sorry," I hurriedly tell him as I stand and bow my head in apology to him. He lightly chuckled.

"It's fine Manager Jin, lets just pretend it never happened. Ok?" He replied, flashing me a dimpled-grin.

I nodded with a content smile on my face. "Of course."

I don't know why, but I did and I accidentally blurted out, "You're very handsome, Joonie."

He looked up at me in shock, his neck beginning to turn red. Oh god, what have I done. Self restraint, Jin! Self freaking restraint.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! It just came out. I didn't mean to sound so perverted. Oh god! I can't shut myself up sometimes. Again, I apologise," I say, apologising again, for the second time, today.

"It's fine, Manager Jin. I think you're quite handsome yourself," he says shyly, biting his lip and playing with his bandage.

"Thank you, Joonie," I thank, giving him my million-dollar smile.

Now, Jin!! Ask him. He thinks you are handsome!! He won't say no, hopefully.

I opened my mouth to ask him but he suddenly shot up from his chair. "I need to go back to work. Thank you for your help, Manager Jin, I really appreciate it. I should go back to work now," he says, bowing his head slightly.

"Joonie! You can't work, go home for today," I tell him. No way in hell am I making my Joonie work when he injured his hand.

"I can't Manager Jin! I hurt my left hand. I can still write people's order with my right!" He argued.

"No, Joonie! You are hurt! I'm a cruel person if I make you work!" I tell him.

"No, you aren't Manager Jin. I know you're not a cruel person! You're very nice and sweet and it's one of the many reasons I like you," He respond before suddenly covering his mouth with his uninjured hand as he realised what he said.

"You.. like... me?" I say in disbelief, my eyes wide open at his sudden confession.

Joonie looks at me, looks at the ground and then leaves the room. "I'm still working by the way!"

The door clicked shut and I sat in my seat which was previously occupied by my Joonie. Ooh, his butts warm. Did I honestly just think that? I think I am a little crazy.

Wait, if Joonie likes me, he'd go out on a date with me, right? All that's left is too ask. Oh god, I don't think I can do it today though. It's been too eventful this fine morning. I'll ask him, the day after tomorrow since he has a free day tomorrow.

I quickly took out my phone and called my best friend.

"Yooooonngggiii!!" I whine as he answered.

"Did he say no?" Yoongi asks, amusement in his voice.

"What, no. He can't exactly reject me if I don't ask," I tell him.

"You didn't even ask, Jin? You really are so useless," Yoongi says, laughing at me.

"Yeah, but he called me handsome. And, and, and said he likes me," I tell him proudly.

"Oh Jin! You really are a hopeless case. What happened?" Yoongi asks, trying to hold back his laughter.

"I'm glad I give you entertainment," I mutter.

"And food, can't forget the food," Yoongi tells me. "Now what happened."

"Well, in the morning, I kinda walked him changing and th-"

"Jin!! How'd you do that you clever clog!" Yoongi interrupts.

I roll my eyes. "-en he broke something, hurt himself, I cleaned him up, apologised for my actions in the morning since I kinda ran out, then accidentally blurted out he's handsome, causing him to say the same, then me telling him to go home since he can't work with injured fingers, which caused Joonie to be like no, and I was like if I make you work, I'm a cruel person, and he was like no you aren't bruv, you are nice and it's one of the reason why I like you, I LIKE YOU!! Yoongi, and then he ran out the room screaming that he was still going to work!" I rant in one breath.

It was silent for a few seconds on the other line before I could hear Yoongi spluttering and wheezing in laughter.

"If you don't shut up, I'm sending Jimin the pictures," I threaten.

He immediately shut up. "You would never."

"Watch me," I say and then he hung up.

My friends really are that amazing.

My phone beeped to signal that I got a text message. I looked down to see:

From: My baby Kookie:
Jin!!! Tae asked me out on a dateeeee!!! ❤️ I'm so hhaappyy. 🤗🤗

I quickly responded to my child.

To: My baby Kookie:
AAAHH!! My ship is sailing!! About damn time. #Taekook 💕💕

From: My baby Kookie:
Hey, Namjoon said the same thing 🤔

He did!! I guess we were more similar than we thought. I smiled happily and responded, having a lovely chat with my son.

And then I heard Hoseok scream 'Stayin' Alive' followed by Tae and Joonie scream. I rushed towards there immediately.

"I heard the screams."

"That was just Joonie hyung and I screaming because we thought Hobi hyung was dead," Tae told me, slightly shrugging his shoulders.

I grumbled, "I'm the only allowed to call him Joonie," under my breath. I didn't intend for anyone to hear, but Hoseok did and burst out laughing. I kicked him thinking that maybe at this moment, I would rather him dead.

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