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Namjoon's Pov

"TAEEE!!" I screamed into my phone.

I called him ten minutes ago to tell him to tell Manager Jin that I won't be coming in and you know what? He's been talking about Jungkook for the past ten minutes. I now know Jungkook's morning routine. Yeah, Tae's an absolute stalker

"What?" He groans from the other side.

"Tell Manager Jin, I'm sick today."

"Tell him yourself," he grumbles.

"Fuck you, Tae! Just do it!" I tell him.

"Fine, anyway did I tell you about Kookie and th-" I hang up.

I lied back down in bed. I just didn't go to work today because of what happened yesterday. Just thinking about it made my face go red and my heart race. Oh god. I didn't know what to do as I was practically the only one free as everyone else was at work.

I decided to read that book that I have been wanting to for the past few weeks now. I hurriedly got up and showered, blow dried my hair and put on my pyjamas. I grabbed my glasses from the table that I had left them on and and sat down on my sofa. I had my snacks next to me and coffee in my hand.

I turned the page and was immediately transported into another world.

Until the main character and girl kissed and all the thoughts from yesterday returned into my mind. I angrily closed the book, it was getting interesting as well and now I had Manager Jin on my mind and would never be able to concentrate.

I decided to go online and find a good drama or anime
to watch. After scrolling for a while, I couldn't find one. All of them were either ones I had already watched or some that I wouldn't be interested in.

I huffed and closed my laptop. I decided to go out to the nearby park and then maybe grocery shopping. There wasn't much food in my cupboards left. Oops. I hurriedly changed out of my pyjama's into something a little more decent and tied my shoelaces. I grabbed my phone and wallet and shoved them in my pant pockets before leaving the apartment and locking up.

I shivered slightly as the cold air came in contact with my skin. It was colder than I anticipated. I quickly went back into my apartment and put on my coat. I'm not in the mood to actually get sick. Locking my door once again, I felt warmer.

I walked slowly to the nearby park. It was Autumn, almost winter and the leaves were turning brown. They fell majestically from the trees and made the ground their new home. The flowers that had been littered around the street making the place seem more bright and cheerful have wilted and lost their colour. They were no longer able to lift your mood.

Autumn is so beautiful and pretty; yet everything is dying.

I pushed upon the gate, the cold metal of it almost burning my skin. (Can I say burn? It feels like it's burning when you touch something sooooo cold, right?) I walked in and noticed the unused playground. Children had stopped playing here as the wind picked up and the temperature dropped. It was now isolated with the occasional squirrel passing through.

I went straight to my normal bench and sat down. It was cold, sure, but looking at the place I grew up and had some of my best memories in was able to warm my heart and body. I smiled remembering the time my kite had gotten stuck in the 100000000000 year old tree. I threw a fit and my dad reluctantly climbed up and got it for me, my mother and I cheering him on. I haven't talked to them in ages. I really need to.

I decided to get up and go to the store already as the darkness had already came. It wasn't late but darkness always came earlier than invited. I walked to the local shop to buy the things I needed. I had a list on my phone. The walk there was pretty dull. It wasn't too far from the park meaning it wasn't too far from my apartment but I still hated coming as the bags would always carry more that I originally wanted.

Opening the door, a sudden gust of warmth and light washed over me making me smile. I hurriedly bought everything I needed too. I had a frozen thingy (I say thingy every time I can't be bothered thinking of something) and I didn't know how to season it. I was in the spices area for five minutes, looking at each and every tiny bottle saying something in a different language. I sighed before asking the customer closest to me for help. I tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and I told her what I needed.

"Try this, and this, with a hint of this and a touch of this," she tells me, piling four little bottles into my arms.

"Thanks," I say.


I turned around and saw Manager Jin hurriedly walking towards me. Shit. He took the bottle out of my hands, slight skin ship taking place causing my heart to race. The other customer had already disappeared.

"I'm so sorry about the abominations, Joonie," he mutters as he looks through the spices for the 'right' ones. I didn't respond.

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