Chapter 15 - Autobot Down

Start from the beginning

My name is Vaughan Witwickey. Perhaps you know me from my YouTube channel where I have uploaded my famous Dubsteps tunes?

I absolutely love your music, my favourite would most defiantly be Radioactive. 

And that song is the reason why I am messaging you today. For you see, I would like to make a Dubstep remix to that song, with your permission of course.

Please let me know!

- Vaughan Witwickey. 

Vaughan's finger hovered over the left clicker of the mouse as the digital version of the mouse, the white arrow, hung over the send button on the screen. She was so nervous about sending the message. What if they said no? Heck would they even read the message? 

Vaughan slapped herself in the face and calmed herself down. She focused her attention back on the screen, and without making a second thought, hit the send button.

There. Over and done with.  


Later after that, Vaughan got showered and dressed, taking her iPhone with her as she and Spike went to the Autobot base. Once arriving there, Optimus Prime was about to leave to check out a signal he detected involving the Decepticon space bridge. Since the incident last time, the Decepticons no doubt have moved their precious teleportation device. 

Spike and Vaughan decided to tag along with the Prime to help him find his way around the desert. 

But along the drive, Spike seemed to be doing most of the guiding. Vaughan was so focused on her issue with Imagine Dragon that she wouldn't keep her eyes off her iPhone as she kept refreshing and refreshing her feed page and profile. 

"Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on...." she kept muttered quietly to herself. 

After a few minutes Spike was getting tired of his older cousin acting like this. "Come on, come on, come on!" He repeated, each one getting louder. 

That snapped her out of it. She rubbed her forehead which was starting to feel like she was getting a headache from looking at her small screen for so long. 

"Are you going to spend the entire day waiting to see if you get permission from the band?" Spike asked her with a slight hint of annoyance. "Look up, move, do something!"

Just to tease the boy, Vaughan unbuckled her seat belt, got up and moved to the other passenger seat away from Spike then put her seat belt back on and smirked at the boy. "There, happy?" She shrugged. 

Spike groaned as she slapped himself in the face and lowered his head in defeat. "I give up." 

Optimus chuckled at the sight of the two cousins bickering at each other. "I've never seen you act like this before Vaughan. What's troubling you?"

"Well, remember when I told you and the others how I made those Dubstep songs? And I was kind of freaking out that I might get sued by the Cybertronian police since I thought there would be copy right issues?" Vaughan explained.

"Kind of is putting it mildly." Spike interrupted. 

Vaughan glared at the boy then flicked him in the head with her fingers. "Hey!" the boy yelled. 

Optimus continued to laugh a little at the humans shenanigans. "Yes Vaughan, I was aware of that." 

"Well try to imagine all of that again, but this time it's all happening in here." She replied while pointing at her phone. 

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