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           Brendon had Mikey's backpack balanced on the same shoulder that he had his phone balanced on. He was laughing at Josh through the speaker, clearly finding his disgusting joke hilarious and a half, which wasn't something new.

Panic! At the disco was some what of a household name at this point, even if only 2 people remained; Brendon and his life-sized forehead.

Brendon and Ryan were still best friends and Ryan even helped Brendon write songs sometimes, but Brendon still doesn't know how in love with Bella Ryan was.

It took Ryan Ross about 11/2 years to finally get over her. He felt like in some weird way it was all his fault. He also felt for a while as though because he didn't say goodbye, something bad were going to happen to him. Like a karma thing. Brendon also didn't know about all of Ryan's guilt, but he knew that Ryan grieved for a very long time.

They all did.

Including Brendon who still won't date anyone.

But a 25-year-old Brendon Urie was doing well with his newly adopted son. Who, by the way, was deaf and getting better with controlling his stutter and anxiety around all people.

But besides the multiple mental health problems of his son that Brendon often uses his platform to talk about, Mikey was such an adorable kid. He reminded him of Bella in every good way possible. He had the biggest smile and the cutest button nose and little blue eyes that differed from Bella's brown ones but still were breathtakingly beautiful.

It was 10 months ago when Brendon was depressed over his Bella's death yet again, and he was living off of only bottles and weed. But then he remembered his plane ride with her back to Ohio 9 years ago to the day where he promised that he would adopt kids.

So he called up the agency and they came a week later to inspect the house. The boy lied and said that he had begun to apply for adoption while his girlfriend was still alive, and nobody ever asked for any paperwork about it.

He registered for a baby anywhere from newborn to 2 years old, hoping for a cute little newborn baby, but honestly ready to deal with any little child that came into his grasp.

They called Brendon up 2 weeks after their initial visit to the house and told him that there was a boy who recently was pulled into the shelter. They knew he was a little older then Brendon was hoping for, but he was still in need of a home and they knew about Brendon's heart of gold.

"Come on, buddy." Brendon smiled as she shoved his phone into the back pocket of his jeans and gently lead 4-year-old Mikey out the door as he sipped the coffee out of his Starbucks cup happily.

"Okay," Tyler laughed from the stage. The arena was empty except for the staff and the goofy boys rehearsing their show for the 3rd time that day. "Take me to your best friend's house!" He screamed along with Josh and Mark. "Drive around this roundabout, oh yea!"

"Hey!" Brendon interrupted. The three boys turned around and laughed, one of the crew members still recording with shiny cameras for the band's YouTube channel.

"Mikey!" The boys screeched like their moms without even acknowledging Brendon. They loved kids though. Especially Mikey.

The death of Bella was the hardest on these two.
It took years for them to finally accept it.
They didn't put out music for 4 years and when they did, it was really depressingly beautiful and all about their daughter. Nothing's worse than losing a child, and Tyler had been through so many terrible things, as did Josh. They would both tell you that if your child didn't die, you could make it.

Tyler was suicidal again after the death, but Josh was always there for him, especially since he now had a very terrible case of separation anxiety and always had to be attached at the hip to Tyler. Even on their worst of days.

"H-Hi Uncle T-Ty!" Mikey called back as he was lifted in the air and hugged tightly by Tyler.

"Uh Uncle J-Josh!" He opened and closed his hands like Bella used to and Josh grabbed him.

"Let's get to work boys. Mikey, Jenna's waiting for you in the dressing room, okay?" The tour manager asked with crazy frizzed hair and bloodshot eyes.

"O-Oh-oh ok!"

Jenna dealt with Bella's death in all sorts of ways. She isolated herself from society for a total of one month before she went outside again only to lay on the grass and stare at the sky for hours at a time. But it passed and eventually, she was back to herself. It only took a year.

Now it was the tenth year anniversary of the death and Twenty One Pilots And Panic! At the Disco were teaming up yet again for one epic all-for-Bella tour of a lifetime that they both hoped would remind Bella that she was still living on like maybe a little more than just a few memories and distant visions.

She was still alive. She really was. And although it didn't seem like it sometimes, she was still Tyler and Josh's baby. They still loved hers they were still her dads and absolutely obsessed with her. In a good way, at least.

don't leave me tongue tied
don't wave no goodbye
don't leave me tongue tied
don't, babe

i've never seen an adoption
book about a boy before 🤔

- update 11/24/18
sorry to anyone who read
before this. yikes™️

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