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Weeks had past since the party. Months even. Tyler and Josh loved their daughter, they really did, but despite how much they loved her, they were busy with work. They hadn't brought up the night she got beat up since November. It's March.

Bella and Brendon though; they were something else. Brendon took care of her. He tried to stick up for her more around the idiot girls who somehow enjoyed torturing his Bella. He got them to stop when they saw him. They were afraid of him. The girls thought that Brendon could kill them with his bare hands and honestly he probably could if they got him mad enough.

Brendon loved Bella. They were young and according to most adults, 14 year olds don't know what love is, but I'm guessing they've never seen Brendon with Bella. He respected her boundaries and never forced her to do anything. He got jealous of the way Ryan and Bella got closer, but he was human. He comforted Bella when her dad's weren't around. He loved her.

Ever since the party, Bella was making new friends left and right. Everyone wanted to know the girl who got knocked out by Faith and lived to tell about it. Not like Faith's ever killed someone, but still.

And to top all of this off, Tyler and Josh were going on tour starting in April. They wanted to bring Bella. And Bella wanted to go. She didn't want to leave Brendon all alone for the remaining parts of the school and summer, but how would she even ask about bringing him? Her parents didn't know that the two were a couple, but even if they had, they would never let her bring a boy along for the ride.

So she was leaving him for a little while. Not breaking up with him, but leaving town. Ohio. America. Leaving. It sucked, but she wanted to go. She had to.

I guess what I should've mentioned was that Bella hadn't exactly asked Brendon if he wanted to come on tour yet though she had been planning to all month. But as you can, she wasn't expecting a yes.

"Bren?" Bella asked shoving her hands into his sweatshirt pocket. She was wearing his too-big-for-her-sweatshirt, the one he gave her a week ago when it was raining and when she tried to give back, Brendon went all cliché and said it looked better on her.

"Yea?" He didn't look up from the bowl of cereal he was eating on the other side of her living room couch.

"Do you want to come on tour with me and my dads?" She asked. "I-I didn't ask them yet, and they'll probably say no, but just in case.... do you wanna?" She didn't know why she was scared about asking this. It was odd for her to be worried about talking with Brendon. My guess is that she was just afraid of a no.

"I would love to." He looked over at her and smiled. "If they say yes." He then went back to eating his fruit loops.

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