{Chapter 3}

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Flares POV
Right after Comet let a yell a huge blast of power destroyed the enemies but the force blasted him through the wall opposite of us. I heard yelling of some humans coming towards us. I was to shocked to comprehend what happened and I didn't realize I got shot with a tranquilizer gun. I let the darkness take me in its grasp. My last thought was I hope my little brother is okay.

Comets POV
I woke up surrounded by the forest and I saw my room with a large gaping hole through it and I tried getting up but a stab of pain went through my chest. I coughed up some blood trying to stand up, I forced myself to stand up and walk. I scanned my body for internal injuries one lung punctured 5 broken ribs wing bone my spine fractured. I sent a bolt of healing energy within me to speed up the healing of my eternal wounds I transformed my tail spike into a 4-foot scimitar and slashed a tree down the middle and started tearing away at it. I growled silently to myself my brother sister Tempest and plasma. Mother is dead now. I was feeling a surge of power deep within me and I turned the air around me into a blast of power. I thought to myself if I can master this now I can make it stronger in my Asmerath form. I then limped to a cave I explored not far from my home. I went in there and I made an illusion that this cave was just a wall of rock. I also sent a blast of healing energy to heal my external wounds and bones so tomorrow I could train.
Time skip the next morning€£¥_^[]{}§|~...\<>!?@#$&*()'"%-+=/;:,🦎🐍🐢🦖🐊

I woke up and jumped up to my feet sensing humans talking about yesterday's battle. I heard one of them say they are supposed to find the wyvern that wiped out most of the army. I also heard that a couple of the Earth and Water wyverns are Kugios. I was growing tired and I saw humans stumble in here and since I had black scales I was camouflaged against the back of the cave and when they were in range I transformed my tail spike into a spear and since they were in a straight line I stabbed them all at once in the stomach abdomen area. Two died immediately one survived for now. I spoke to the one that survived and asked with venom in my tone "Why did you do this and I know you are looking for me." If he was standing up I would be up to his waist. He said, "You are the one that wiped out over 3/4 of us." "Yes," I reply. He then said," How old are you?" "Does it matter you are about to die right now so you will have nothing to report," I reply. Before he can say another word I lope of his head and since I was hungry I ate him. I went outside to train. I saw my brother and sister there with some kind of device on their head. I saw my brother look around and I also see Tempest and Plasma there too. My brother than notices me and called to the others. I saw a huge human army but I didn't want to hurt or kill my siblings since I was young I needed them. I saw them land in front of me and Flare said: "Are you, okay little brother?" Trying to fight for control with the device in his head. I reply "I am healed now."
I see the human army move closer and one of the humans who looked like he was in charge stepped out of a vehicle and walked towards me I step backward in fear. He said, "Are you Comet little one?" I reply with such fury "What is it to you if I am Comet?" He stepped back as well of my siblings and friends he looks at me and I morph my tail blade into a 4-foot long spike. He then says "Would you like to join us Comet?" I replied No because why would I join the people who killed my mom."I finished with tears in my eyes." He said very well we will take you by force right when he said that he draws a pistol and tries shooting me I charge at him but he had a second device in his other hand that shot explosives. I turned away at the last moment and shot into the sky. I saw some objects coming at me in the sky as they got closer I let a squeak of surprise out because of how fast they were coming at me I flew up in the air and they were following me but when I went to high for them they sent some missiles at me to go higher up. The missiles continued following me and right when I was about to go past the atmosphere one of them hit me in the tail and a net surrounded me and it tangled up my wings so I plummeted back down towards the land and lost unconsciousness and regained it right when I was about to hit the ground. I smashed into the ground full force and I heard my bones breaking and snapping in half. I passed out and when I came two I was inside a crater covered in rocks. I tried healing myself but I was already tired from flying but I whimpered in pain. I let my pain knock me out.

Starbursts POV
I saw my little brother almost reached the end of the atmosphere and right before one of the missiles exploded into a net and tangled up his wings I looked at the man in charge and he nodded so I flew after his body and I heard him yell out in pain because I heard bones breaking and snapping. I heard the Admirals voice in my mind to come back and I was forced to obey because of the device. I went back to the group and shook my head devastated thinking my little brother is dead. Flare looked upset and just collapsed onto the ground sobbing. The admiral looked passive and said "We are going back to the base now come along you guys. We are moving out."

Flares POV
First mother is dead than my little brother Dammit I thought to myself.

edited on June 19, 2019

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