Happy Birthday Namjoon!

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(Are you still alive?)

Have a splendid day, and let's hope Namjoon also has (had) a marvelous day!

This is the birthday special!

"Thanks a ton Jordan," I placed my bags into the back of the car. "Of course, you made sure no one knows, right? Sometimes BTS gets hyper and spoils things like this," Jordan started the engine once I entered the passenger seat. I nodded and seatbelt myself. "We just need to pick up Annika and we'll be on our way." Soon we were patiently waiting for Annika to leave the apartment. I was in an excited mood, the smile would never leave my face. Today was my boyfriend's birthday, and I've been beyond excited for this moment. I even planned ahead for this time, it just means the world for me to celebrate Namjoon's special day. "He's getting old~," Jordan said. I rolled my eyes, "He's still young, beautiful, talented---" I began trailing off with my thoughts. As I continued to ramble on about Namjoon, my eyes caught a glimpse of something. Without a word I had flung myself out of the car. "Y/N?!" Jordan shouted in shock at my sudden and unexpected actions. When I reached my destination I stopped, a bigger smile glowed on my face. "Y/N," my old landowner smiled brightly at my appearance. I immediately wrapped my arms around her, "It's been so long since I saw you." "It has, hasn't it?" she hugged me back. "Well, actually I saw you when I was helping my friend move here," I smiled. "Right, I remember. She's been so nice, she even helps around like you used to. It's nice to see someone fill in the spots, although my daughter helps a ton," she said. "I'm glad to hear that," I brightened at her words. Then she was analyzing my expression, "You seem rather happy today, why is that?" My smile grew at her words. "Today's my boyfriend's birthday! I've been planning this for the longest time, I'm just glad that I can finally put my plans into actions," I beamed. "Ah that fine gentleman, I'm glad the both of you are still together," she smile. "Have fun, make it the best birthday he'll ever experience," I thanked her and soon I was back in the car. When Annika finally came, Jordan started the car.

I went onto Instagram, I was glad that BTS didn't have an Instagram. But if they did then I wasn't aware of it. When my Instagram loaded I started a livestream, and waited for my followers to enter. Once they started rushing in, I smiled brightly. I started saying hi to them and waited for any late arriving parties. "You know what today is," I adjusted my hair. The live chat started getting spammed with "Namjoon's birthday!!" I smiled brightly at the spam. "That's right! It's Namjoon's birthday, the day I've been planning my entire life for," I said. "So yesterday, I posted something on my story. My story was relayed to Namjoon's birthday. Today I want to make it his best day, and I wanted all of you to be apart of it. So I informed you guys about it yesterday, so that we all can meet up in one place. For the majority of the time we'll be crafting and making things for Namjoon. I'll be giving it to him," I thought about a lot of ways to get the fans involved, and I'm glad I thought of this. Not only does Namjoon get love from his fans, but he'll be getting something they made specially for him. "And since some of you guys can't be here to help celebrate. I asked you guys to send me a photo that wishes him a magnificent birthday, I informed you all last week. I've been able to print out the ones that were given to me, and if you guys haven't sent me one then... what are you waiting for? We still got all day to print it!" I watched as the amount of viewers left. "Anyways, I will inform you all in two hours about the location we'll be meeting up at. We'll be there for about two hours, or three at most. I'll also be waiting for anyone who comes late, if they want to hand me anything for Namjoon," I smiled and waved. "I'll see you all in a few hours!" then I ended the livestream. "Okay guys! It's time to make the cake, and get everything else ready. BTS should inform me when they leave the house to go practice," I put my phone away. "It is pretty early, huh?" Annika rubbed her eyes with tiredness. "The earlier, the better," I said.

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