11: Using

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So, Will learned his lesson. Obviously.

No he didn't.

Will stayed for his two days, of course. He knew he could use a break. And then, directly after that, he was back in the Infirmary. Which lead to yet another argument.

"Will!" Nico shouted, entering the Infirmary. Will's head popped up.


"You're doing it again! You're overworking yourself, Will. Take a break." Nico commanded. Will seemed to think for a moment, walking up to Nico.

"No? I'm actually doing fine. I told you I wouldn't do that again, babe, and I'm not. So uh, I'm good." Will told him. Nico was already pissed at this point.

"Will, at the rate you're-" Nico glanced around the Infirmary, then grabbed onto Will's wrist, dragging him out of the Infirmary and just to the side of it.

Will ripped his arm away, looking almost scared of Nico. "Why the fuck was that necessary? Don't hold onto me like that."

"I'm sorry, but we didn't have to have that argument in there again. Now, at the rate you're working, you're going to actually kill yourself-I can tell. Stop it." Nico scolded. Will scoffed, but took a step back, like he was still slightly afraid.

"I'm not. I wouldn't work that far, seriously." Will assured. He probably should have stopped there, but he added, "Plus, It's not as though I'd be dead long, Hades would bring me back, you know it.

"So you're using me and my relationship with Hades as an excuse to overwork and hurt yourself?" Nico asked him.

"Hurt myself? It's been months-wait, babe, you know it isn't like that-"

"It's been months? What does that mean? And how do I know it isn't like that? Clearly you've thought of it."

"Nico, I love you, with all my heart, I wouldn't use you like that. You know that, love. I'm not like that."

"Then why did you just use my father as an excuse?" Nico demanded.

"Because I... I don't know, babe. I'm sorry. Can you please calm down? Can we not fight? I'll listen to you, would you just stop being so mad at me? I'm sorry."

"Oh, Will, I'm sorry. I'm upsetting you. Maybe... talk about this calmly? Or just not at all?" Nico hugged Will gently. Will gladly hugged back.

"I'll just listen to you. Anything so you're not pissed, really."

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