The Broken Link

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Ichika got up out of his bed, feeling quite dizzy, with a deep pain in his chest. He for some reason felt very upset, having the need to just lay down and cry. Then he heard a knock at the door. He opened it and got smacked in the face by a binder.

????: Why the hell did you sleep in?!

For the first time, Ichika felt the need to just hit Chifuyu, all that pain without comfort was finally landing it's blow. He needed to cool off before someone got hurt. Unfortunately, Chifuyu met his eyes and saw something was off.

Chifuyu's Mind: Did I just see a flare of hostility in his eyes? He looks as if he's trying to restrain something inside him.

Ichika: Ms. Orimura, I'm going on a walk.

Chifuyu: Okay, take the day off.

Ichika walked down the hall, Chifuyu following at distance.

Chifuyu's Mind: Something was off earlier. I needs to watch him, or his harem may get hurt.

(End of Day)

Chifuyu decided to not follow him when the time hit six.

Ichika was about to go into his room a IS fist hit the side of his head.

?????: Where the hell have you been Ichika!?

It was Houki. One of the girls who hardly ever was nice to him despite calling him a friend.

Ichika's Mind: Why do they hit me? I've tried being a good friend.  Why does Chifuyu hit me? I've never failed her aside from the kidnapping. They always beat me! Like I'm a dog to be disciplined! They've never payed attention to how I felt. I always was there when I befriended them, yet when I'm in pain, NO COMFORT! They refuse acknowledge how hard this is, as THE ONLY MAN FOR MILES IN A SEA OF WOMEN! I've always slaved away for Chifuyu, yet no a thanks, no hugs, or even a pat on the back? Dan had to pull me back together emotionally when Chifuyu "rescued" me from phantom task, she didn't even write a letter or call me! Not even once! So these are my friends and family?! I was viewed as a pet or slave the entire time! I'm done!

All of Ichika began to remember all of the pain, neglect, and total lack of true friendship and love these women brought. Then he snapped and finally collapsed under it all. The other girls walked in. Ichika staggered to his feet in a slow and clunky manner and looked at Houki straight in the eyes. Houki noticed something was off, but dismissed it.

All girls: Ichika, where have you been?

Ichika: ...

(With Chifuyu)

Chifuyu was drinking soda when she felt a horrible aura. It was the most violent aura she had ever felt, it was result of Ichika finally snapping.


She bolted out of the classroom at full speed.

(Ichika's Subconscious)

A women dressed in solid white clothing was standing on an blue unmoving ocean under a clear sky. Suddenly the ocean turns black and rough and the sky red and stormy.

??????: What's going on?! Master is destabilizing! CORE REVIVAL!

(With Ichika)

Ichika just stood there with a blank icy expression, staring at the girls. Laura and Houki were the first realize something was wrong.

Houki: Ichika, is som-

He suddenly equipped the Byakushiki, then the plates and wings began to warp and bend as well as turn black until it was in a solid six foot diameter sphere that reflected no light at all.

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