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Quickly running to the bin closest to him, he threw up everything that he'd eaten since the morning. He couldn't believe any of this, regardless, he had to see her.

Almost as if she read his mind Miss Blue spoke, "I'll make an excuse for you, go and see her" she said while patting him on the back.

After running through the crowded hallways he finally got out and ran to his car, he had to calm himself down, it explained so much, why she hadn't been to school, why his fathers men hadn't seen her go to her special place or leave her home.

Quickly gathering his thoughts he drove out of the school parking lot and followed the directions to the hospital, "God please let her be okay... I need her to be okay" getting lost a couple times her finally found the hospital, but he was just as lost when he finally got inside. After finally finding the main office he spoke to the man at the front desk, "hello, I'm here to see Ebony Winters".

"I'm sorry but only immediate family can go in" he said with a raspy tone.

"But she's my best friend, I have to see her please!" He begged.

"Look here pretty boy...no, now leave before I call security to escort you off of the premises" he said while going back to the computer screen. Max thought about all the ways he could kill this man, he was willing to do whatever it took to see her.

He walked into the waiting room and called Enzo.

"Dude I need your help, I'm at the hospital" Max said while pacing back and forth.

"What happened, are you okay?" Enzo asks worryingly.

"It's not me that you should be worried about, it's Ebony, she... she was in a car accident when she left the house that day..." Max explained.

"Fuck bro, have you seen her yet?".

"I literally only found out today, and I'm here but they said only immediate family can go in" Max said steaming with fury, if it were up to him, that nurse would be dead and he'd be with Ebony right now.

"Soooooo I need you to hack into the hospitals files and find what room she's in and how to get there"

"Why should I help you, you've been a dick to me and Alex since that day, I wanna help you dude but you can't just expect us to be there for you after being a dick and not apologising" Enzo said, even though they're like brothers, it hurt when Max pushed them out, especially when it was clear he needed them.

"I know man, I fucked up and I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have pushed you guys away but it was just hard too talk about, that day really messed me up man, I miss her so much and it just hurt all the time, whenever I think about her, it just brings me back to that day all over again" he finished, he could feel himself crying but he pushed them back in.

After a long pause Enzo finally spoke, "she's in room 143C, I've sent you a map, she should be on the 4th floor, good luck bro"

"Thank you bro, I really owe you" Max said with tears in his eyes.

"Fuck yeah you do"

Enzo ended the call and let Max get going. He quickly ran to the elevator, making sure the guy at the front desk didn't see him, he pressed the button labelled C, the elevator was moving as slow as a tortoise, he needed to see her.

The doors finally opened, running through the hallways and looking at the doors. 139, 140, 141, 142... 143, she was right in there, there was no turning back now, he was about to take another step but end up feeling something weird in his stomach, he was probably just getting sick. Instead of walking in, he sat outside the room on a chair at the end of the hall.

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