C H A P T E R 1

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Ebony sat there at the edge of her bed, trying to mentally prepare herself to go to college.

The cold air brushed against her brown skin, creating little goose bumps, that's all it took for her to jump right back into bed, she had a strange feeling about today.

After a lot of thought she decided to stay in bed, she emailed her teacher and told her that she wouldn't be attending college, her teacher quickly emailed back and said that it was okay and she would email her the work so she wouldn't miss out on anything from her class.

Once she knew that everything was sorted, she did the only thing she knew what to do in this situation. Sleep. This was the only way she could get through it without having to actually go through it, just a way to pass the time really.

She slept until 10am surprisingly, she thought she'd be asleep for much longer, she took this as a sort of sign to get out of bed, not feeling any better than she had when she woke up 2 hours ago, she put on some fluffy socks and made her way downstairs. Guess you can't sleep your problems away.

"Hi mum, how was your night shift?" Ebony asked while making herself some cereal.

"Um it was busy, why are you not at college already?" her mother inquired; the thing with her mother was that although she tried to understand she just couldn't wrap her head around the whole mental health thing, Ebony had been diagnosed with depression and severe anxiety, this was hard to accept for the both of them, but it did explain why Ebony had lost interest in most things and why she had distanced herself from everyone and everything.

"I just have a lot of anxiety right now, but I emailed my teacher and told her, she just emailed the work to me so I can give it in for tomorrow" Ebony replied with a mouth full of crunchy nut cereal.

"You need to go to college, and I'm not taking no for an answer, so go upstairs get ready and go to college, I love you but go" her mum said as she made her way upstairs.

Ebony wanted to argue but she knew she wasn't going to get anywhere with her.

She never did anyway. Exactly like her father, just telling her mother whatever she wants so she "wins".

To explain; her 'father' situation; her mother wanted kids but didn't have anyone to have kids with so she resorted to getting artificially inseminated, meaning Ebony only had her mother throughout her life.

After brushing her teeth, she willed herself to go into the shower; the hot water clouded her vision, as the heat intensified she realised how bad her day was going to be once she stepped out of the shower.

Putting her music on; hyped herself and got out of the shower, she realised she had forgotten her towel in her room.

She walked into her room, drying herself off and applying lotion on her body, basking in the smell of cocoa butter she kept the towel around her and chose her outfit.

Eventually, she opted with some high waisted black skinny jeans and a dark grey turtle neck, after struggling to put them on she remembered she hadn't put on deodorant, that would have been embarrassing.

Taking her time with it, she put on her Jadon Doc Martens, and grabbed her backpack from the hook on her door, she took her headphones out and started playing &burn by Billie Eilish, to get in the right state of mind before she pursued her route to hell *cough* sorry school.

As she was running down the stairs she missed a step and fell down the the last few steps of the stairs.


"Fuck" she said as she rubbed her now bruised elbow, gathering all the things she dropped on her way down the stairs, she took her keys from the counter and made her way outside, seeing as it was the beginning of winter, she turned back around and unhooked her black jumper and black jean jacket.

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