Chapter 9

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I slowly open my eyes, their is a bright white light shinning in my eyes and it hurts "to much light" I says. Someone dims the light. Much better "Where am I?" I says trying to look around, but I can't really move my head. "Your in the hospital" A familiar voice says. "Who is that?" I says "Its me babe" the voice says "Miguel, is that you?" I ask "yes its me babe" he says "what happened, why am I in the hospital?" I ask confused "you don't remember anything?" Miguel says "no nothing" I respond "you fell and slipped, you cracked 2 different places in your skull, your temple and the back of your head. You also have a concussion, and both babies are fine" he says "I don't say anything.

Finally the boys come in quietly all holding cards, balloons and stuffed animals "how are you feeling?" they asked me "like shit I respond" "are you in pain?" Miguel asks "yes everything hurts" I says "okay I'll get you something" he says leaving. All of a sudden I start to violently shake, and I have a hard time breathing. Someone yells to get the doctor. The doctor rushes in along with Miguel. The doctor puts a mask over my mouth so that I can breath.

"what's wrong with her?" one of the boys ask "she's having a very bad seizure" Miguel responds. Next thing I know I black out. When I wake up Miguel has his head on my lap sleeping. I put my fingers through his soft silky hair. When he notices he slowly sits up "babe your awake" he says happily "I been so worried about you" he says kissing me. If you would have died or if the babies had died I don't know what I would have done" he says.

I caress his cheek and says "don't worry I'm okay now" "I love you so much Marianna" Miguel says "I love you too Miguel" I says "then my stomach starts to growl "let me go as the doctor if you can eat" he says giving me a kiss then walking out. When he comes back he says "the doctor will be in, in a sec, he wants to make sure everything is ok" he says. A couple minutes later the doctor comes in and asks me a few questions and then takes my vitals. "okay you can eat, but I gave you seizure medication so when you eat make sure you do so slowly so you don't get sick" he says before walking out.

"what would you like to eat?" Miguel asks "hand me the menu so I can see if their is anything good in the cafeteria" I says. I look at the menu for a minute and then says "okay get me this stuffed chicken gourmet pizza with sprite and a bowl of peaches please" I says " okay it says that we can call and order it but I'm gonna go downstairs and get it so I can get me something to, besides they take about an hour to bring it up" Miguel says "okay...where are the boys?" I asked, they went to eat, but they should be back soon" Miguel says kissing me " I'll be back in a few" I says. When he leaves I turn on the tv just for noise but I close my eyes and just listen. A few minutes later the boys walk in quietly. One by one they give me soft hugs "We are glad that your doing better, you really scared us" JJ says.

"Boys you know I'm tougher then that" I says. A few minutes

Miguel comes up with a tray of food. He places it in front of me "eat" he says. Like the doctor says I slowly start to eat. "So when can I go home?" I ask Miguel "not for a couple days, they want to keep a close eye on you and the babies" He says.

A couple days later the doctor finally let me go. He just told me to take it easy. As soon as I get home Miguel makes me go straight to the couch to relax "how are you feeling?" he asks "I feel fine" I says. Miguel is in the kitchen making him something to eat. I go in the kitchen to see what he is making "babe what are you making, I'm hungry" I says" "what are you in the mood for?" Miguel asks me "anything" I says sitting at the table.

After sitting at the table for a bit Miguel puts a nice healthy salad in front of me. "Thanks babe" I says with a smile. After eating I lye down for a bit not really paying attention to the TV.  After a bit I decide to go to need. "Are you sure your okay, you never go to bed this early" Miguel says worriedly "I'm fine just have a bit on my mind" I says placing my hand on my stomach.

Miguel comes and sits on the edge of the bed "the babies are fine remember?" He says "yeah I know, I just need to be more careful because I could have lost our babies" I says. "babe stop, don't go there, I'm not gonna let you sit here and beat yourself up over this. The babies are doing good, just be grateful" Miguel says kissing my forehead and then leaving me to my thoughts.

16 and pregnantTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon