Chapter 7

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The next morning Miguel and I get up at 8:30 in the morning to get ready for my appointment. I take a shower and then blow dry my hair, afterwards I curl it, then I get dressed in shorts and a nice fitted tee shirt. After wards I go downstairs to make breakfast but I realize that its already 9:15 "babe come on we have to go we'll get breakfast on the way" I says. Miguel comes downstairs and says " you look perfect. Now lets go" he says heading to the car. On our way to my appointment we stop at McDonalds and both get a breakfast burrito.

When we get to the clinic I start to get nervous. Miguel can tell so he takes my hand as we walk and says its gonna be ok" We see his mother as we enter the automatic doors "good morning" I says giving her a hug "wow don't you look just beautiful" she says back. Finally we go up to the prenatal care section and the lady tell me that I have to feel out paperwork. After that she has me go pee in a cup.

After I'm done I wait for them to call my name. About 10 minutes later A lady comes out and calls me back. She takes my weight and my blood pressure then takes me to a room and says "you'll need to change in this. After I'm done I sit on the bed and try not to panic. Miguel notices and takes my hand "everything will be okay" he says.

A few minutes later A doctor comes in. She is gorgeous, she looks like she's only in her 20's she has green eyes and reddish brown hair. "Hello I'm doctor Sarah Woods and Ilk be your doctor, its very nice to meet you. Now who are these lovely people l?" she says "I'm Marianna and this is my boyfriend Miguel and his mother Francis" I says. " Well its nice meeting you all"she says with a smile.

She then asks me some Questions about my health and if Miguel had a job. Afterwards she told me to lie back and spread my legs apart. I started to get really scared and my hands began to sweat. Miguel noticed and said "its okay I'm right by your side the whole time. You can take my hand if you need to" That made me feel better so I instantly relaxed my legs. She then puts this thing inside of me and showed me the screen. I wasn't sure what I was listening to their was just so many different sounds.

"So does anyone in your family by chance have twins or more in your family?" My doctor asks. "Um well yeah, Miguel is a twin" His mother says. I look at Miguel and he immediately looked away "well no wonder because it looks to me like you guys are having... Identical twins because they share the same sac, and it also looks like you are exactly 1 month pregnant so your about 3 weeks along" she says "wow twins" is all I can say.

Everything looks good, now here is a bag, it has a book to tell you what's going on that week, so once you turn a certain week you read the chapter and it also tells you things that are normal and not normal" she looks at the book and then says oh wait I have one just like this except for its for people who are having twins...let me go get that for you real quick" she says leaving the room. "You have a twin why didn't you tell me?" I says to Miguel "babe lets not do this right now we can talk about this later" he says. My doctor comes back and hands it to me along with the back, this one will be more helpful to you. Now in the bag their is my card, it has my office number on it if I'm not in my office then the lady up front will take care of you. Now because your only 3 weeks I don't need to see you for 7 weeks, but if you feel pains like cramping or spotting go to the emergency room" she says standing up. It was nice meeting you all and you can make your appointment at the front desk.

When everyone leaves I get dressed and grab my new bag and leave the room. Once we get in the car I says "why didn't you tell me you had a twin?" I ask "babe relax its not what you think, I don't have a twin. It was originally triplets, we were born early...20 weeks we were alive but barely, after we were born a few minutes later we were all pronounced dead but they tried very hard to save us. Finally after my mom held my brothers she then held me for a few minutes and I just started breathing again. They called the nurses and doctors and put me on machines...they tried my brothers again not loosing hope but they were gone" he says "I'm sorry" I says feeling terrible.

Miguel doesn't say anything. The whole ride home is a quiet one. When we get inside the house I says "are you staying home for the day or are you gonna go to work now?" I'm going into work today. I'll see you later tonight" he says giving me a light kiss and then leaving. I can tell that I hurt him, he probably never wanted to talk about it.

I start to get hungry so I make me a nice chicken Caesar Salad. While I'm eating I start to read my week by week book. Then after I'm done reading I start to think about school. Wondering if I could graduate early. School doesn't start for another 2 months so I'll just talk to my guidance councilor about it then.

I sit down on the couch and turn on the tv. I realize this is what I basically do all day. My life is kinda boring I need something to do for the summer. My book says its good to do a little exercise while your pregnant so I think I'll check the city gym and see if its any good.

a few hours later I decide to head down to the gym, its absolutely huge. It has everything, even a huge indoor swimming pool so they must have aerobics class. I go up to the lady and ask about how much it costs. "well its 5 dollars a month but it you want to pay for only a few months or something you can in advance" she says "do you have water aerobics for pregnant girls?" I ask "yes we have different one's depending on how far along you are" she says okay well can I pay for just 1 month right now?" I says "yes of course let me have you sign some papers" she brings a small packet of papers.

After I'm done signing papers I pay and then she shows me around. This gym is huge and nice. After I'm done I head for the store to get prenatal vitamins and some stuff for dinner tonight. I thought we could just have hot pockets. When I get to the door of the house Miguel is pulling into the driveway. He gets out of the car and says "babe I don't want you carrying anything" I roll my eyes and says its not that heavy. Besides what am I supposed to do I don't have a car" "yes I know I took a day off from work tomorrow to get you a car" he says taking the bags from me and taking them inside.

"So guess what I did today" I says enthusiastically "what?" he asks "I signed up for the gym down the street, its absolutely perfect and I'm gonna start taking aerobics class, its a special class specifically for pregnant girls. My book says exercising and eating healthy is very good for the baby" How much did it cost?" Miguel asks "I only paid for 3 months so it only cost 15 bucks" I says "I wish you would have talked to me about it first" Miguel says "why?" I asks confused "I don't see the point..I mean it is our money now" I says. Miguel rolls his eyes "exactly it is our money money and I'm the one making the money so you need to talk to me a before you go spending it" " Okay" I says. I go in the kitchen and start putting hot pockets in the microwave.

After dinner Miguel cleans up. I sit and relax. He comes over with his laptop. "Here are some cars I saw in the area that I think you'll like he says. I finally decide to pick a 370z Nissan in fire engine red. "we'll go and look at it tomorrow I says.

16 and pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now