Chapter 12

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"Were you with a girl?" I ask in a whisper "really your gonna ask me that?" Miguel says "well were you?" I ask "no I wasn't, but what I do outside of this house isn't non of your business" Miguel yells back. I sigh and walk out of the bedroom and sleep on the couch. The next morning I get ready to go to the gym to try and get my mind off of things. After the gym I go home and relax on the couch watching TV. I grab my phone and call Miguel's mother and invite her to lunch so we could talk.

"so what did you want to talk to me about?" Francis asks me. I tell her everything that's been going on with her son  and I hoping that she could help us. "Well let me talk to him to see what's going on with him" Fran says. After lunch we sit  and talk a bit to catch up.

After lunch I head home noticing Miguel's car is in the driveway "what is he doing home?" I ask myself suspiciously. I go in the house not seeing him so I reluctantly head upstairs whistling my favorite song. Then in mid whistle I stop when I hear a moan. I stop on the stairs for a sec and listen.

I hear it again but much louder and its coming from a girl. That's when I run upstairs and burst into the bedroom.  Miguel and another girl is in feed together. There is rose pedals laid everywhere, pink, red and some white ones. It reminds me of Valentines day. There are also candles lit with soft music. He never did this for me. I grab the girl by her hair and drag her off the bed.

She hits the floor hard. In pain she just lays there. I then go over to Miguel and start hitting him "YOU PIG, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS" After hitting him a few more times I run to get a bag and throw some clothes in it "babe its not what it looks like" he says. That shit just makes me want to smack him in the face but I don't even look at him. I pack my bag and look at Miguel.

Being single is better then being lied to, cheated on and disrespected, so I will be happier without you." Then I look at the girl and says "I have no tolerance for dudes that  cheat on their girlfriends for something that looks like it belongs in the zoo" with that I leave not looking back. I get in my car and drive away with tears stinging my eyes. I end up sleeping in my car for 2 Weeks.

I hear a knock at my car window. I slowly open my eyes and stretch. I look out the window. Standing on the other side of the window is Joel looking confused. I roll down the window "what are you doing sleeping in your car?" He asks me. "oh uh nothing I've just been driving a lot so I decided to take a little nap" I lied.

Joel rolled his eyes. "c'mon let me take you to breakfast" he says. After we sit down and order our food Joel looks at me "so what's really going on?" He asks me. I sigh and says "I came home from lunch with Miguel's mother a couple Weeks ago and I went to the bedroom and found him in the bed with another girl." I says "so you have been sleeping in your car for 2 weeks?" Joel asks me. I just nod my head.

Finally my breakfast comes bacon, eggs, sausage, a plate of crispy golden brown hashbrowns, and French toast with strawberry filling drizzled over the to. "wow I'm in heaven" I says as I take a bite of my hashbrowns. "Your gonna come live with me" Joel says "no I couldn't impose" I says shaking my head "I don't want to hear any if's, ands or buts about it" Joel says. We silently eat our breakfast.

After eating breakfast I follow Joel in my car to his 2 bedroom apartment. "well I gotta head to work are you okay by yourself?" He asks me. I look at him and smile "yes and thank you so much" I says. After he leaves I get settled in the other bedroom and then take a nice hot shower.

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