Chapter 8

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After Miguel test drove the car and looked at it long and hard he said it was in perfect condition, so he paid for it and then we left. I told him that I needed to go grocery shopping and he said he would come in because he didn't want me lifting anything. "Is their anything that you've been wanting to eat?" I ask "Well I've been wanting your lemon pepper chicken, your meatball madness, and your creamy Alfredo chicken...but other then that nope" Miguel says smiling "what about breakfast foods, and do you really enjoy eating the hospital cafeteria food, I can start making your lunches" I says "babe you already do so much for me" Miguel says "babe I don't mind making lunches for you, you just gotta tell me what you want" I says. After deciding on things he wanted for breakfast, dinners and lunches, we decide to head home.

He noticed that my feet was hurting so he made me go relax in the bath while he made dinner. While I'm in the bath Miguel comes upstairs "is it okay with you if I invite the boys over for dinner and then watch a movie or 2?" he asks "oh yeah that's a great idea" I says "so what are you making for dinner?" I ask "its a surprise he says winking and then leaving the bathroom. After I get out I go get some pajamas on and then head downstairs "wow what is that smell it smells...amazing" I says. Miguel smiles, but doesn't say anything.

The door bell rings "I'll answer it" I says bracing myself for a big group huge. As soon as they walk in the run straight for the kitchen "wow what is that, that smells good" they say "guys really, I been waiting for my hug" I says "Oh hey" JJ says giving me a quick look. I frown "guys" I say loudly "they all look at one another and then laugh and run over to me. "we haven't forgotten about our favorite girl" they says. After they all give me a hug we go sit down at the dinner table.

"wow that looks good" we all say as Miguel puts a nice big fancy plate down on the table "what do we have here?" I ask Miguel "Now this everyone is roasted Duck and Orange Sauce to go with it. We also have stuffing, green beans and a side of pasta everyone dig in!" he says. The duck was nice and tender and juicy, and it was really good with the Orange Sauce. I only had room to eat the duck. After eating I did the dishes but felt sick so I ran to the bathroom and made it just in time. Miguel noticed and was their to make sure that my hair wasn't in the way and to rub my back.

When I was finished Miguel made me go to bed even though I told him I was feeling better. When I wake up Miguel isn't in bed anymore. I hear noises downstairs so I get up. Miguel is downstairs making his breakfast and lunch. I yawn and says "I'm sorry babe I didn't realize I slept so late" "its okay babe you go lay down do you want breakfast?" he asks "um what did you make?" "breakfast burritos" "okay make me 1 small one please" I says.

As several weeks go by I get sicker and sicker, I can't keep anything down l, the only thing I can eat now a days is crackers and water...if I'm lucky I can have a little bit of chicken noodle soup. "babe how are you feeling?" Miguel says just as he gets home from work "I don't know I feel really weak" I respond "maybe I should take you to the hospital" he says worriedly "babe I'm fine, don't worry about me" I says . After Miguel makes himself dinner he says "babe are you sure your not hungry, you should really try and eat something other then crackers and water, their isn't any nutrition in crackers" he says "okay fine I'll eat, can you make me a salad with ranch and a very small amount of chicken noodle soup?" I says. After I eat I feel a little better, like I got a bit of energy.

My appointment isn't for another few weeks. I can't wait. I hope everything is okay with the our babies. After I eat dinner I go take a nice warm bath and play some soothing music. An hour later Miguel comes and checks on me "babe wake up don't fall asleep in the bath you could drown, come on get out and go to bed ok?" he says "I yawn and then nod. I didn't realize that there was water on the floor, it must have been from when I sat down in the tub and the water went over. After I get out and wrap a towel around me I walk to the mirror so I can brush through my long wet hair, but I don't make it. I slip and fall. I bang my temple on the side of the counter and then when I fall I I crack my scull open on the back of my head.

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