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"Hey hyungie! Good morning! How are you today?" Jimin asked cheerfully. He knew that the elder hated his presence but he had to try. "Go away Jimin, I'm tired today." Yoongi grunted.

"Ah you didn't sleep again didn't you?" Jimin smacked his hyung's head and sighs "I know writing lyrics is your passion, but think also about your health! What if you get sick? Huh? Who wi-"

"WHAT IN THE WORLD DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ABOUT I'M TIRED?! CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!?" Jimin smiled sadly and guiltily. He bowed his head and walked to his classroom. Ah it was always like this. He still tries though, even if he was suffering.

He still tries, even though he is sick.

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