Chapter Eight: The Dreaded News

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A/N: I am so sorry I haven't updated sooner. I've been busy. But I'm so very happy because I have over 700 views! THAT'S AMAZING! Thanks so much! Oh and the title of the chapter doesn't apply until the end of the chapter. Enjoy!


Louis's POV

It's been about a week since Liam came over for supper. We have been texting a bit and we see each other a work, but I still want to talk to him with out having Sam yelling at both of us to get back to work. I want to call him but I don't want to look needy. So currently it's Saturday and I'm sitting on the couch, my son drawing on the floor while I'm staring at my phone.

I seriously need to get out of the house because I've been staring at my phone for about an hour now. Niall pulled on my pant leg and asked,"See picure! Do something now?"

I looked at Niall to see that all the paper I gave him was gone, he held a piece of paper up to my face," Course sweets what do you want do?" I said grabbing the paper seeing three small people on the paper.

I smiled," This is amazing Ni! Who are they can you show me?!" I gasped picking Niall up onto my lap ticking his sides. He giggled a bit and nodded.

"This Daddy, this Ni!" He exclaimed pointing to the medium sized person wearing stripes and the smallest figure with blond hair. I was still confused why there was another figure.

"Who's this Ni," I said while pointing to the third figure that happened to be standing next to me.

"This Mister Liam!" Niall clapped his hands. My jaw dropped. Niall drew Liam. It might not seem like a big deal but to me this was huge. My son drew the man that I sorta liked...

"Like?" Niall asked looking in my eyes.

"Yeah I do sweets now how bought we go to the park." I asked him while lifting him up and walking over to the small hallway we have that was covered with pictures that Niall drew. I loved every single one maybe his recent one a bit more...

"YES DADDY!" Niall yelled while jumping in my arms. I chuckled and pined his picture on the wall walking over to the door grabbing both our shoes. Harry bought some sneakers for both Niall and I, that were identical a few months ago. I smiled a the thought. I sat down with Niall in my lap tying the laces of the small shoes.

"Same!" Niall pointed to the sneakers we both had on now. I nodded and tickled his sides, while he pulled away squealing. I set him down and grabbed a jacket for both me and Niall just incase it got cold since it was late afternoon.

"Come here Ni you ready to go!" I called grabbing the keys to the car. I also grabbed a bag with pull-ups and other needed items incase he has an accident or something happens. He toddled in, raising his arms. I picked him up, setting him on my hip.

"Ready!" I asked, walking out the the car, placing him in his car seat.

"Ready Daddy!" Niall clapped his hands while I buckled him up. I climbed in the drivers seat, starting the car up. I turned on the radio, changing the stations to my liking.

Niall starting babbling random words to the melody to different songs on the radio. I loved listening to him. He sounded happy and content, oblivious to the world around him. I pulled up slowly to a park that my mum took me to when I was a child. I remember having fun with no worries at all, not a care in the world.

I parked the car and grabbed Niall with the bag full of pull-ups and the jackets. His eyes lit up seeing the park, taking in the area with wide eyes. The park had a few occasional pedestrians and a few children playing around other than that the park was empty. I liked it though I needed the peace.

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