Chapter One: Just A Normal Day

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Chapter One: Just A Normal Day

Louis :D .....^

Two years and a few months later

Louis's POV


"Daddy up"

I groaned pealing my eyes open seeing my son obnoxiously jumping on my bed, yelling at me to get up.

" I'm up NiBear, how about we go makes some pancakes before I go to work?" I asked.

Niall squealed and yelled," Yes Yes pancakes Daddy."

I smiled a picked him up swinging him in my arms. He squealed again and I set him down seeing him run across the wood floor. I checked the time and sighed, it was 7:43 a.m. I had about an hour to get Niall and I fead , dressed, and to drop Niall off at Harry's and Zayn's house before I had to go to work. I went and got dressed for work.

Once I was done I walked into the kitchen to see Niall waiting to help make some pancakes. I walked over a started tickling him hearing him squeal and scream."

"Daddy 'top it!" Niall screamed.

"Ok but only if you get dressed and ready to go to Uncle Haz and Zaynie," I reasoned.

"Still have pancakes?" Niall asked with big wide eyes.

"Of course Ni now let's get some clothes and then we'll make some pancakes," I said.

Niall grabbed my hand and toddled towards his room. We got in there and I grabbed a pair of pants for Niall and a blue t-shirt with some prints and the text " Just Like Dad" on it. I helped him get the clothes on and he jumped up once I was done and yelled," Pancakes!"

"Not yet Ni lets get some stuff packed so you can play with your Uncles," I said.

Niall nodded vigorously and I grabbed his Toy Story backpack. Niall told me what he wanted to bring. I packed most of it and put some pull-ups, wipes, sippy cups, his blanket, and his favorite teddy, Stripes.

Niall ran out of the room screaming "pancakes". I smiled about my son's love for food. He really would eat anything if you'd give it to him. I walked back to the kitchen and picked up Niall and set him on the counter. He smiled and started to swing his legs.

I took out the batter and utensils needed to make pancakes. I helped Niall mix the batter. Once the pan/oven was ready, I poured the batter on the pan and waited until the two pancakes were done. I set them on the table and put Niall in a high chair.

I sat across from Niall and smiled while he squealed in delight. I fed Niall all of his small pancake so he wouldn't get food all over himself and ate mine in between. I wiped his face with a cloth and got him out of the high chair. I looked at the clock on the wall and it was now 8:17 a.m. and I had to be at work by 9:00

"Ready to go play with Uncle Zaynie and Haz Ni?" I asked while grabbing my car keys and Niall's backpack.

"Yes Daddy play with Uncle Haz and Zaynie!" Niall yelled while toddling to me.

I helped him put on a jacket and picked him up while heading to my old Honda. I opened the door and placed him in the car seat. I buckled him up while he babbled on about how much fun he was going to have a his Uncles' house. I ruffled his blond hair and climbed into the drivers seat. I turned on the radio and Niall started singing along.

I pulled up to Zayn and Harry's house. I got out, unbuckled Niall, grabbed his backpack, and headed towards the house with Niall holding my hand.

I rung the door bell and the door swung open to reveal one my truest friends, Harry. Niall jumped into his arms and Harry swung Niall in his arms.

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