Chapter Three: Ice Cream and A Plan

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Okay I am going to try and make this chapter a bit longer and stuff!

I am going to dedicate this chapter to all the people who read and voted for my story! Thank you so much!

Also, I am thinking of doing another story, maybe Larry or Narry. If you have any ideas comment!


Louis's POV

" Hey Lou"

I looked over to see Liam standing next to our booth with a smile on his handsome face. Niall climbed on to my lap and buried his face into my chest, he asked quietly," Who that?"

I looked over at Liam, silently asking to respond to my son's question. He nodded and smiled. I answered softly, "This is Daddy's friend, Niall. Can you say hello sweets."

Niall shuffled and looked up at Liam and whispered a quiet hi. Niall was usually loud and hyper, but around strangers he was not as loud and happy. Liam smiled and looked at the empty side of our booth. I nodded and he sat down. Liam and looked at Niall still snuggled to my chest and said to Niall," Hi Niall, I'm Liam a friend of your Daddy. What's your favorite ice cream flavor, because mine is vanilla."

Niall looked up and looked at Liam. He giggled a bit the said," Chocoate favorite and better."

Liam smiled and laughed," I think vanilla is better."

"No, chocoate better, Mister Leeyum!"

Niall giggled and reached for Liam. I pulled him back a bit and frowned,

But Liam exceeded my expectations and grabbed Niall from across the table. He put Niall in his lap and Niall grabbed the rest of the chocolate ice cream that was on the table and tired feeding Liam some, to show him that chocolate was better than vanilla.

I laughed as Niall got ice cream all over Liam. Liam looked at me and smiled. I blushed and said," Niall, come here and say sorry for getting ice cream all over him, okay."

"Sorwy Mister Liam."

I took Niall from Liam. I shifted him in my arms to get a more comfortable position. Liam looked at Niall and I and smiled.

"It's ok bud," he said.

Liam and I talked about a bunch of stuff our families and what our likes and dislikes were, while Niall listened and occasionally talked about whatever popped into his blond head. We ordered some food (insisted by Niall) and talked. I felt at ease with him, but I also felt nervous around him. He was so handsome and good with kids. He is freaking perfect, but I am not going to let him in. Yet...

It was around seven pm and I remembered that tomorrow Niall was going to my mums, because Zayn and Harry wanted to do something with me tomorrow. I stood up with Niall in my arms, looked over at Liam," Thank you so much Liam for stopping and chatting with us, but Niall is going to my mum's tomorrow and he needs rest and I'm so sorry to leave but....." I kept babbling.

Liam chuckled and said," It's fine Lou, I'll see you sometime soon I hope. Bye Niall."

"BYE MISTER LIAM." Niall yelled. I shushed him and waved goodbye to Liam. He winked and I blushed. I carried Niall to the car and put him in his car seat. I got in and headed home. I smiled and thought about what just happened.

I pulled in, got Niall out, and headed inside. Niall squirmed in my arms until I put him down. He ran in to the living room and jumped on the couch. I smiled and said," Ni if you get ready for Nana's and for bed, I might be able to make something special for breakfast in the morning."

Niall jumped up and yelled," PANCAKES!"

I smiled and he jumped into my arms. I carried him into his room and started packing things up for the next two nights for him.

Once I was done Niall lifted his arms up and started whining. I shushed him and put his footie pajamas on him. He yawned and laid his head against my chest. I put a dummy in his mouth and rocked him until he was asleep.

I put Niall in his crib and shut out the lights. I went to the kitchen and took some Tylenol. Today was an eventful day. Liam now works with me, he gets along with my son and I think I like him.

Wait! What?

I ran to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face to clear my mind. I went to my room and flopped down on my bed. I turned the baby monitor on and rolled over. I smiled and went to sleep thinking about a certain chocolate eye beauty.


Harry's POV [Surprise!!!]

Zayn and I were sprawled out on our couch,my head on his chest. I smiled and said," Zayn is everything ready for tomorrow?"

"Course love I have everything set. All we have to do is get Lou to agree. I mean Liam already agreed. So, Yeah." Zayn replied.

Zayn and I had a plan. Ever since that evil ex left Lou, he has refused to go out. So, Zayn and I set up a double date with Liam and Lou. I think I will work because Lou came in to pick up Niall and he was all flustered and red talking about how hot Liam was. Liam called Zayn ,because him and Liam are like good friends, and told him about how much he wanted to go out with Lou and how much he loved Lou's bum so..

We planed on going to a fancy restaurant. We could all sit together and then leave them after a while and go do something else if you know what I mean.

" Good, Lou needs to get some, he's been so moody lately." I laughed.

"Got that right, Now how about we get some rest because figuring out their love life is hard." Zayn said.

We laughed and both got up to get ready for bed. I walked behind Zayn and pinched his bum. He squealed and punched me in the arm. He was adorable. I kissed him and on the check and brushed my teeth.

I headed for bed seeing Zayn laying down waiting for me to come. I smiled and jumped on him. He groaned," Haz get your lazy arse off me."

"Never." I yelled.

He grabbed my arms and flipped us over so he was on top and held down . He looked down at me and said," If you give me a kiss I will let go of you."

"Fine." I surrendered and gave him a kiss. He grabbed my face and I held on to his shoulders. The innocent kiss turned in to a full heated snogging session.

I pulled away breathlessly and whispered," Lets get to bed sweets."

He rolled off me and I snuggled into his chest and fell asleep to the beat of his heart.


Whoop this is chapter three hoped you liked it! It's find of a filler, but I put some Zarry in there for you guys. I just love baby Niall!!!

Comment what you think will happen or comment random stuff I really don't care! I will update soon, if I get some comments I will update even sooner!





Whatever suits your style!

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