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Baby Niall.....^

Third person POV


Louis parked his rusted old Honda in the driveway to his flat that he shared with his beautiful girlfriend Lucy. He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, he had a very long day at work and all he wanted to do was his baby boy and his girlfriend.

Louis went inside their small apartment, to find that every picture of Lucy and him were gone off the walls. He looked around him confused and ran upstairs to find Lucy standing in there bedroom with several suitcases and bags beside her. His eyes widened as he walked into the room.

"What are you doing Lucy," he asked in confusion.

"Louis I can't do this any more," Lucy said without making any eye contact.

"What! What do you mean?" Louis yelled, confused.

"Louis I just can't do this." Lucy said while picking up her bags.

"What do you mean you can't do this! What about us? What about Niall! What about everything!" Louis yelled with tears streaming down his face.

"Louis I nev-", Louis cuts her off yelling," Don't you dare say that you never meant to hurt me or that your sorry. Didn't this mean anything to you."

"Louis you have too understand that I was never ready to be a mother," Lucy yelled. She looked Louis strait in the eye. She had the look of pure hatred on her face.

"You know what I'm done! I never loved you or that stupid baby anyway, so I'm done and going with some one I actually love." Lucy screamed.

Lucy then grabbed her bags and slammed the door, leaving an echoing silence of what just happened.

Louis stood in their bedroom shocked. Then he realized that the love of his life just walked out on him. He felt tears stream down his face and his knees caved in, making him slowly lean on the wall. He stood there sobbing thinking about what just happened. All the kisses, the hugs, the 'I love you' were not real. The memories they shared. It was all just a simple lie.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a wailing sound coming from the room next to him.Louis walked Niall's nursery and saw his three month old son a crying mess in his crib. He started cooing at him and rocked him in his arms. Louis placed Niall on the changing table and changed his wet nappy.

Louis put Niall in an onesie and rocked him some more. Louis looked down at his son and smiled, Niall was the most precocious thing he could ask for. He then vowed that he would never leave Niall and always protect him.

Niall looked up at Louis and gurgled. Louis smiled, put a dummy in his mouth, and started singing a sweet lullaby as he walked down stairs to heat up a bottle.

Louis took the bottle out of the microwave and tested it on his wrist to see if it was warm enough. He gently put the nipple in Niall mouth as he started to suck. Niall looked up with big blue eyes. Louis smiled and gently took the bottle out of Niall's mouth. He patted his son's back until a small burp escaped. Niall then grabbed his father's finger, while softly falling asleep.

Louis almost cried at such a touching moment. He walked back to Niall's nursery, placed Niall in it, and covered him with a blanket and a few teddies. He turned the night light on and put a baby monitor by the crib.

Louis leaned down and kissed Niall softly on the head.

" I'll never let any one hurt you Niall, I always love you," Louis whispered.


Well I hope you like the prologue!Its a bit short but I hoped you enjoyed it. Tell me what you think! :) I'll update soon!



Trusting Again //au: Lilo & baby!Niall\\Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat