Chapter Two: A New Co-Worker

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Louis's POV.


I dropped Niall off at Zayn and Harry's house with a bit of a struggle because he wanted me to stay. As much as I wanted to stay with Niall, I couldn't or I would be fired, but I promised him that I would take him to get ice cream after I got off at work around 5:00 p.m.

I pulled up to the store and sighed. I wish I could just stay home with no worries, but that's not how life works. I slowly got out of the car and walked up to the entrance of the old hardware store. I walked in to see one of the most beautiful and attractive man I've ever seen. He had a chiseled jaw, big chocolate eyes, a warm smile, and a very long torso with big hands and long fingers. I could just imagine what those fingers could do and.......

I mentally slapped myself. Stop Louis, Bad. I can't just go thinking about that stuff especially if I haven't met the man yet, I don't even know his name!

The very attractive man locked my way and smiled. I froze and blushed.

" Eh Loueh this is our new worker, that I told you 'bout a few days ago." my boss, Sam, said.

The man smiled, held out his hand, and said," My name is Liam."

His voice was like melted chocolate, creamy and yummy.So deep like the ocean, what would it be like if he...

Stop Louis. Think of puppies. Yeah puppies.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a chuckle. I blushed profusely.

" L-Louis T-Tomlinson," I stuttered and held out a hand. Liam smiled and shook my hand. I looked in to his beautiful chocolate eyes and lost my self.

" Loueh show Leeyum what to do and help him out is he needs it, K, I'll be back 'n a bit eh," Sam yelled while walking out.

I nodded even though Sam couldn't see me. I mentally prepared myself to not make a fool out of myself.

"O-Ok lets get s-started," I stuttered.

I walked around showing what to do and to help costumers if they need it and other stuff like that. I think I did an ok job, only stuttering and running into the counter once, but, I bet Liam thought I was a lunatic.

"T-That's it Liam," I said and Liam smiled.

"Thanks Lou," He said sweetly. I sear he is going to be the death of me.

We started working, Sam got back, and there were only a few costumers witch was a good thing I kept looking at Liam. I realized how big his biceps were. Dear Lord they were huge and he was wearing such a tight shirt. And...

" Like what you see Lou," Liam winked. I blushed and looked down.

"Don't be embarrassed love, I think it's sweet." He said close to my ear. I shivered and blushed even more.

" Loueh, Leeyum it's 'round five, since no ones here you can go home now." Sam said walking in.

I thanked my lucky stars. I could go home now and get my mind off this god like hunk.

"Thanks Sam, bye Liam," I said while hastily grabbing my stuff and leaving. I ran out hearing Liam's faint goodbye as I ran out to my car. I can't like Liam at all. Like no, I won't let my self get hurt again.

I got in and drove to Zayn and Harry's house as fast as I could. I got out and to the door ringing the door bell. The door opened revealing Zayn. I heard foot steps hit the floor.

Niall appeared, jumped into my arms giving me a huge hug, and screaming," DADDY MISSED YOU!!"

I smiled and said," I missed you so much NiBear and we can get some ice cream when we head home.

"ICE CREAM YES DADDY," Niall screamed.

"Niall don't yell ok, now why don't you go play while I talked to your uncles ok," I said setting him down seeing him scamper off.

Harry walked in and sat down with Zayn. They shared a look and Zayn smirked and said," Sit down Lou, you look a little flustered."

I glared at him and said," Shut up you don't know anything Zayn. I just had a hard day ok so be quiet."

"Calm down Lou, what was so hard about today get a new worker or something?" Harry replied.

" W-What do y-you know." I said.

"Spill Lou," Zayn demanded.

" Fine we got a new worker at the store and he's like super hot. Dear lord I can't even describe how hot he is. My god." I groaned and put my head in my hands.

"Ohhh you got it bad," Harry yelled.

"Shut up Harold, Niall come on let's go we can get some ice cream now and go home." I yelled while grabbing Niall's back pack. Niall ran in yelling 'ice cream' and jumping in my arms.

I yelled a goodbye with Niall in arms babbling on about his day. I smiled and walked out to the car, buckled Niall in, and got in.

"Ready to get some ice cream NiBear," I said.

"YES. YES. YES. DADDY." Niall yelled.

I pulled up to the ice cream shop and got Niall out. He bounced in my arms. I smiled walked into the shop. I walked to the counter and started ordering ice cream. I ordered some chocolate in a bowl for Niall and a vanilla cone for me.

I grabbed the ice cream for us and sat down at a booth. Niall squealed and started eating. I helping him and started licking my cone.

"Hey Lou." a very deep voice said.


This is chapter two every one hehe. I left a cliffhanger hehe. I hope you enjoyed it. Tell me what you think is going to happen between Lou and Liam. Update soon. :)





Trusting Again //au: Lilo & baby!Niall\\Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora